Wednesday, October 31, 2007

This blog is just a preview of our sweet night!!! We had a fun and smarties are a hit :) A couple of pic to tide you over till I find the time tomorrow to fill you all in ;p

Monday, October 29, 2007

A game of chase

It's here, the start of the it gets easier when the are old enough to play together. This evening they chased each other around their little house. Laughing and giggling away as they jumped out to play peek-a-boo. I'm still unable to leave the room without a wailing serenade, Ava is still having trouble being unable to get to me.

Yesterday we went for a walk around Boulevard Lake, when the dogs were done they waited in the car while we hit the park. Ava and Ethan fell in love with the slid. I knew Ethan was a fan, we'd been to the park with Auntie Nikki and Mr. Chris. Ethan spent the majority of the time sliding away :) Ava on the other hand was not into it... I think that it had more to do with the fact that she couldn't do it herself.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Kakabeka Falls

A trip to Kakabeka Falls, it's about a 30 min drive. So armed with a hot Timmies coffee and a couple of cookies (yum) spoiled bambinos. We set out on a cold day to see the falls. I finaly got out and about with my camera and got to practice a bit :) It was a great park camping and lots of hiking trails. We only did a 30 min hike due to the cold weather. It had warmed up by the time we hot back to the car so we got to play in the leafs. They just loved the fredom to crawl around to watch the other kids there play. I can't belive how much they are little people now, Ava talks away to yo like you should know exactly what she is saying. Ethan you can just see him thinking things through and figuring them out. Oh I am SO in LOVE!!!!!!!
We had a blast!!!!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Cookie Monsters

It looks like every day may not be possible, I'll try to keep it up.

Cookie night :) Ant gave them half a chocolate chip cookie and they were ecstatic. Yum Yum Ava nibbled away at it and Ethan just got it everywhere. In any case the cookies didn't last long.
Ethan is a mover, he crawls like a speeding bullet and waddles around from one side of the room to the other. He falls a lot, and laughs he really likes walking:) He is also very curious, today he had a piece of paper with glue on the back. He was fascinated by it kept sticking it to his fingers and pealing it off. He did this process for about 5 min.
Ava has started to mimic, she is on her way to talking. She has been saying Hi at home, but at the gym today when I got back to the daycare her eyes lit up and gave me a big smiley HI! We got her trying to say octagon on the drive back from the gym. The word makes her giggle.
Talk to you all soon.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A little play outside

We got out to walk the dogs then did a little playing outside. Ethan crawled through a puddle, he's really into water play. He likes to dump the dogs water then slid around in it. He finds the playing fun, but not the changing into dry clothes. He's walking halfway across the living room now so it won't be long till he's running around. Ava is still on her tippy toes, so I think it will be a little longer till we're chasing her around.

Yesterday Ava, Ethan and I went to a play group for the first time. I was a little worried going by myself with the 2 of them. What if they crawled off in opposite directions then what would I do. As it turned out it went very smoothly. Ethan spent his time playing around some older kids and Ava didn't want to be to far from me at any time. Song and Story time went well too, they both sat on my lap and listened. At snack time they both sat on little people chairs and had their fish crackers, cheerios and apples. I was really glad we went. Later a trip to the gym then we went out to Boston Pizza for dinner. The kids had chicken fingers and we found out Ethan likes ceasar salad.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Back too routine

We went back to the gym today. Ava was highly unimpressed that I was going to leave her there. We hadn't been to the gym for the weekend company was way more important to spend time with. She wailed when I left the room, but calmed down within seconds:)

Out make shift baby gate to stop the kids from getting to the stairs is has been infiltrated. LOL. The set up- a playpen across the front of the stairs and a big Tupperware bin across the side. Ethan has gained the strength to move the playpen slightly to squeeze between it and the wall. Got a kick out of climbing the stairs.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Safe trip home

Good evening all!!! We had a good weekend with our company, the only thing that would have made it better if Ant had been home. Well it's been a long day with the kids keeping them busy all on my own.

Yesterday we went out for Mr Chris birthday dinner. We didn't get out till late, but the kids were great (a little busy). They stayed up till 10. I remember getting to stay up late when company was around and how special I felt. The would have slept in too, but we had to get up to get to the airport this morning. Not too many pic from this weekend too much time having fun :)

Friday, October 19, 2007


They made it:) Auntie Niki and Mr Chris made it all the way to Thunder Bay!!!!!! They are our first visitors so far. Ava didn't play shy until we got home and I left the room. Ethan was shy to start then once we got home he just keep us giggling. We are having a great time :)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Having a Ball

We found this great little house for the Bambinos to play in. The house came with balls to fill the bottom, we do need to get more even though it came with 75 it seems like so little. They both got a kick out of it, but Ethan got really excited about it he seemed almost giddy. Rolling around in the balls and throwing them all over. It was a good deal at the superstore and we needed something new for these guys to do. Guess why, yep that's right its raining again. I was wondering if anywhere else got this much rain??? My fear now is that this winter there will be this much snow. Cold snowy winter brrrrrr. I'm really glad my sister is coming this weekend, other then getting to see her :) I'm going to have a winter coat. I have been walking around in one of Ants sweaters. Very fashionable. My sister Nikki and her husband Chris should be flying in on Friday morning. It will be great to have people around again. I can't wait till the bambinos see them, I want to see how they are going to react. I know they remember them because when I'm on the phone with her they get all excited.

Ethan hung out on the couch again this morning this time I caught some pics today .....

Monday, October 15, 2007

Presents from Connecticut

One of the benefits of having a dad who's a pilot is presents from all over :) This time it was submarines and the bambinos loved them. One you pull back on and it goes on its own, the second submerges and resurfaces in water. Ant got to play with them a little this morning and was off again. We're looking forward to the next couple of days he has a little time off.

One of the new things of the day is Ethan can now climb up on the couch. So he spent the morning sitting on the couch feeling cool. Every time I looked over at him he'd give me a side smile then start laughing. Ava has gotten very attached lately, which makes it hard to get anything done. At least she is very fond of hugs and being close which is nice.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Sorry no new pics today. We made it to the gym in the morning, but Ava started getting sick after we got home. We spent the afternoon (Ava and I) on the couch, Ava dozing in and out of sleep. Ethan started playing new games. Playing slide down the back of the couch, he'd stand up lean against the back and let his feet slip out from under him. Laughing the whole way down, he was definitely in a much better mood today.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Mitts and Hats

Mitts and Hats, Oh happy walk LOL. My mission today was hats and mitts so in this cold cold town we can still walk the dogs. First of I have to get out of the house, a little help with laundry. Meaning everything in the basket needs to be pulled out and nothing is to be left folded in site. The clothes must be pressed as well so into the basket for a personal pressing. If they had napped at the same time today it would have sped things up. First Ethan and I got to spend some time together. The air mattress was leaning up against the wall and he learned about forts :) and how to play hide and seek. I'd count to 3 and he'd crawl into hiding, then poke his head out when I couldn't find him. Then he just went in and started playing. Then the switch Ava was up and Ethan was down. Ava was under the weather today, lots of cuddles and I love yous till I had to blow her nose for the umpteen th time. We had lunch alone maybe for the first time. Between the two of them today they napped from 10 till 2. That explains why I didn't get out of the house till 3, so much for getting out and about by 11 LMAO. What was I thinking ......

After finally getting out we did a little shopping for what else hats and mitts. I found some cute ones at Old Navy. Now whats really cute is the facial expressions ..................
Ava is not impressed that with mittens on she can't remove her hat. She has definitely learned to give dirty looks.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

A new noise has arrived

OK I have had unwhiny kids so far, but Ethan seems to have taken up the sport. Real and fake whining seems a regular noise these days. I'm really hoping that this new phase has more to do with teething than a new way of communicating. His frustration with us is evident, we are not reading his mind. I am now waiting for their vocabularies to increase so that they can let us know whats going on in their worlds :) Ava's gotten really good a giving hugs and telling you that she loves you. It sounds more like iiowu, but Ant and I know what she means.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Short and Sweet

Ava started using her imagination today. She pretended to pick up bits of food and chew it. Oh she is so cute. Ethan must have been teething, his cheeks were so rose red and drool, drool, drool.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Crazy hair day

Good evening! Well today was uneventful thankfully. Runny noses were the big obstacle this morning, no sick kids at the day care. So we went for a tour of the mall, swapping the shirts Auntie Nikki got Ava for her birthday. They were too small, 2 of them we just switched for a larger size. The third wouldn't fit around her neck so we opted for a yoga set instead. Gym clothes in the car, but noses still running meant we had to find something else to do. The grocery store was our next stop, by the end of this stop Ethan's patients was wearing thin. We made it home in time for a quick lunch and naps. They woke up with dry noses Yippee (oh how life has changed when your excitement for the day is a non snotty nose) I can go to the gym. I got sweaty and then got a great shower. Going to the gym now has a whole new meaning when I get to take a stress free shower, it doesn't take much to keep me motivated to get there :) Pic of the day is Ethan's crazy hair day .....

Monday, October 8, 2007

Not for a week stomach

Remind me never to tell someone I don't have much too write .... I have had the most disgusting day ever!!!!!!!! Lets just say it doesn't matter if someone is crying a poopy diaper never ever gets left on the floor. I had just finished changing Ethan, Ava started crying so I went to grab her to calm her down. So 30 sec means a lot in some circumstances, this being one of them. So I'm not going to give details but Ethan, Penny and a messy messy floor. So gagging, what do I do first (laugh or cry???), I have a crying girl who wants to be held, a boy who needs a bath and a dog who needs to be put out and I really didn't need things to get messier. A yell at the dog gets her out of the room and into the kitchen, Ava set up with a couple of her favorite toys and the boy thrown in the bath. Then the floor cleaned :) whew. So you'd think that would be enough poop for one day wouldn't you, but alas Penny had to return the favor while I ran out to get the stroller to go for our daily walk so again Ava was set up with toys and Ethan again thrown in the tub. Oh ya and I got to clean the floor again and do a load of laundry.

So take a deep breath, nope no more poop stories for today. It's time to relax and take the dogs for their daily walk. It's rained on and off today, the walk started in an off portion of the day. But as my luck would have it today about half way through it poured and I mean torrential rain. I was soaked, the dogs were soaked and the Bambinos were dry and cozy in a blanket and rain cover. Ava was passed out by the time we got home and Ethan loved the rain.

Ok well Now for the fun we had today. Ava's my new hairdresser, she combed my hair for me this morning. We got out the air mattress and did some bouncing for some exercise seeing as the gym was closed and I was alone to walk the dogs. Which meant they wouldn't be able to walk(which as you read already wouldn't have happened anyway). So my photo's today are some them playing an the air mattress.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

We hope you had a good one!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving

Our Thanksgiving was today, Ant has to work tomorrow so we had our turkey pies tonight. We spent some quality time together, had a nice dinner. We ate the last of the raspberry rubarb pie that we picked up on our way home from Duluth, yum yum very tasty. I think it's my new favorite.

We took the dogs for their walk today, but they weren't too impressed at the pace we went at. The Ava and Ethan took turns walking. They were so excited to get out of the stroller and walk. Ethan wanted to step on everything he saw, leafs, stones and the grass. Ava walks on a mission strait ahead although she is still walking on her toes so she doesn't have very good balance yet. But that doesn't stop her she grabs one of my fingers in each of her hands and she's off.
I thought that I would put up some black and white pics tonight. I caught a classic Ethan face tonight, I know that I have missed it so others must too.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Uneventful day

Today was pretty uneventful. A trip to the gym gave me sore legs (ouch) and no tears:) A good walk with the dogs in the rain. The bambinos were warm in their new coats (got a great deal in Duluth). We made it to Tims for a warm coffee for the second half of the walk. Penny is still driving us nuts with the pulling, after two years you'd think she'd learn NOPE. LOL Oh well maby some day.

I don't want to jinx us here but the last two night they both have slept through night so my fingers are crossed. I think this is due mostly to the lack of napping during the day, we have moved around the shedule of each day which leaves them less time to sleep. Ava isn't worse for wear but Ethan seems a little more whiny. The whining may be due to the lack of vocabulary, they both seem annoyed that we don't understand what they want when they are babbling away at us. Ava's babble has gotten really girly, and she laughs a lot now mostly at the dogs. You'd think she'd be afraid when the dogs are rolling around and playing, but no she heads strait for the center laughing. Crazy girl!!!!! Ethan started playing with his cars today, pushing them around and making a engine sound.
Not too meny pics today, got one of Ava trying to drink a diet coke.

A trip to Duluth

We woke up this morning and decided we needed to do something a little different today. So being in Thunder Bay doesn't have anything close we drove the 3 hrs to Duluth. The bambinos were great till we were almost there, about 15 mins then I had to sing the rest of the way. We stopped for lunch a Grandma's salon and grill, went for a nice walk by the water and did a little clothes shopping for the bambinos. Here are some pics from the trip.

The highchairs the restaurant had were really cool. They attached and hung off the table. This was great it made Ava and Ethan feel a part of what was going on not off too the side by themselves. They had way more patients and lasted a lot longer at the table the usual.

Ethan learned a new trick today. He drank his apple juice through a
straw. It didn't take him very long to pick it up,
only two or three tries and he had it.

A bike ride after lunch I think Ant was jealous.

We went for a nice (slow) walk after lunch by the water the bambino's had a lot of fun walking around looking at the boats and airplanes. What would have been a 5 min walk for us was about 30 min. Ava once she started walking did not want to be carried, she got her cardio in today :)
P.S. I know the Duluth sign isn't a typical pic you'd show, but there was no sign on the way in and this was all I could get on the way out. LOL So it will have to do!