Thursday, January 24, 2008

In the News

They seem to be getting younger and younger every year!!!!!!! Why????? What are their parents teaching them these days? This seemingly innocent 16 month old was found, taking all the recycling out of the bin. A surprise as many previous warnings were given before the arrest was made. Although the crime seemed to have escalated to grand rippory as well which means she could serve up to 2 min in time out......double the max recommended time for her age range. Other pictures of the crime were caught on tape..........

And in other news.............

I promised some pic's so here are a couple more photos......

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cold weather and Blue eyes

Ouch....I think my fingers have finally thawed out.....Do you know how cold it's been here???? Does any one watch the weather network??? I did while I was on the treadmill yesterday and do you know what it told me.....I was crazy for leaving the house!!!! I'm feeling kinda jipped Ants been gone for the only really cold days so's been -27 before any wind chill's been -5 where Ant is......That's a 22 degree difference.......I was thinking about it (on the treadmill) and that's the difference that someone on holidays experiences(and they are thinking things like, ha ha suckers).

So I know you just read bla....bla....bla...cold......while thinking what have those bambinos been up too. Ethan's been really clingy lately, not wanting to be left at daycare, or even in another room for that matter. But wow he can understand most of what I'm talking about. And even if he doesn't he tries to guess

Me: Can you please get your boots

Ethan: leaves the room comes back with a black boot leaves and comes back with the other black boot

Me: Can you please get your coat

Ethan: leaves and comes back with his coat

Me: Can you please get your snow pants

Ethan : leaves and comes back, I ask him again, he leaves and comes back with a toy looking at me hopefully

Oh I think I'm in love!!!!!!!!

Ava has four new molars, there isn't much teething left :) happy day for both of us :P
She is walking all over now, and loving it. Her left foot seems to be straitening the more she walks around. Ava is loving dancing, she's even got rhythm. She'll dance to anything, radio, toys and even me singing(?????) How did I get sooooo lucky????

I was going to post pictures, but alas, they won't up load and I need to go to bed. I'll try the title of this post should read Cold weather and really cute blue eyed pic's that won't upload :P

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Jogging Stroller

I've had fun doing Ava's hair lately. It all fits in one ponytail.....not very exciting to the outside world I get that, but I'm highly amused so bare with me. I think Ethan feels a little left out, so he gets his turn sitting in front of me getting his hair brushed and looking through the barrettes and elastics.....He tried to do Ava's hair last night with an elastic he found, although Ava wanted nothing to do with that(she definitely a hands off type of girl). So some pics of the fun I've been having with Ava's hair....

I also caught Ava's walking on video........

I finally used the jogging stroller for what it is meant to be used for "jogging". I didn't want to go to the gym today, I wanted as a relaxing day as I could create. My hearing seems to have gotten a lot better lately, I seem to hear a higher level of whining?????? I'm grateful I can hear-I'm grateful I can hear-( that's my feel better chant) Back to the jogging, I suck at multitasking at the best of times, so why I thought it would be a good idea to take a stroller, 2 dogs and me(not having ever jogged in the snow/slush) for a "relaxing" jog I'll never know!!!! It was a challenge, but boy was it worth it to hear bambinos belly laugh for 45 mins. Apparently the following things are funny to my children........dogs ears flapping in the wind........the stroller sliding randomly off in crazy directions........their Mom gasping for air trying to keep everything together. But I did it!!!!! Now why I thought that would be more relaxing then alone time with my thoughts on the treadmill and a hot stress relieving sauna????? Oh well the dogs loved it :)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Houston We Have Walking!!!

Some Exciting news!!!! Yep that's right Ava is walking. Not all the time(the knee thing is still faster), but I caught her a couple of times today just walking around the living room.
She also didn't make it through dinner tonight. She fell asleep smiling at all the silly things I was doing trying to keep her awake. When she woke up she was all confused and was trying to eat the chicken that was no longer left on her plate, she wasn't even in her chair anymore.
We had quite the day of children falling asleep everywhere. Ethan took his turn while we were at the grocery store. Poor boy!
The pic of Ethan today is him imitating the dogs, if they can carry a ball around in there mouths why can't he??????

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Yesterday was not only a green day it was also a sleep day. The whole day consisted of naps, Ethan's for 2 1/2hrs in the morning and Ava's 3 1/2hrs in the afternoon. I actually had to wake Ava up at 6 to eat dinner, then they both slept most of the night as well ;) So this is why I got in a photo shoot with Ava playing with her letters. Ethan went to bed earlier due to his early nap. So here are a couple of shots.......

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Garbage cans

We're still sitting here in P.J's this morning just relaxing.......What makes a girl feel lazy.......nope it's not the P.J's, its the fact that the neighbours have brought in the garbage cans before I got to it. This is made weirder by the fact that I can see them doing it out the window and they can see me sitting here.......Now don't get me wrong I appreciate it, one less thing on the to do list(and it's not just mine they do the whole group of us), but I wish I looked more productive at the exact moment they are doing it :)

On to other news.....Do you know how much damage a watter bottle can do????

Yep that's right. Ethan has become a little more accident prone as of late. I'm guessing that this is normal as he is pushing the limits of his abilities all the time. And someone actually said "A little ambition never hurt any one".......

Drool anyone......because there is enough being created in this house that I'm willing to share :)

Here's the pic without the dot (and the hair do is our attempt at a Mohawk lol)

We're having a GREEN day!!!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Down the hill

We went tobogganing this afternoon. It was our first go at it and they made it a couple of trips down the hill. Ava was more interested in wandering around out side of the sled when we got to the top.

Ava having a blast....

See she can stand, we've been working on the walking and she's getting much better balance but still prefers the knees?????? Oh well that's our girl, her own way, her own pace.

They love the sled. (look how long her hair is, when did that happen?)

My cutie pie enjoying the ride :)

I added this one because he looks so not baby in this pic Wow!!!! My little Man!!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Late night nuts

Ant is in having his wisdom teeth out as I speak(write) and the instructions for last night were too starve him, dehidrate him and to get a good night sleep. Well as hard as the first two were, the third was the toughest. Ava decided that it was an every hour night......that means every hour she wakes up screaming needing affection(this does not happen often maby once a mth). So a good snuggle and shes asking to go back in her crib. The third time I thought just bring her into bed with us she usually just falls right back to sleep. So last night was different, I'll take you back just 7hrs ago........a small voice in the night coos out. "nuts". Then when no responce is returned this coo becomes louder "nuts". Still no responce so now with ergency "NUTS". To this I respond "yes, yes I am" as I roll over to see this little person climbing over the face of a not so sleeping husband.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Back to Basics

Holiday's are over....We(as in Ant)took down the tree and cleared up all the Christmas deco. He's already back at work and were back to the basics again.

Vocabulary news....over the holidays they seem to have doubled their words include, hat, house, tree, pretty, shoe oh and quacking like a duck, he he. This is getting to be so much fun, they are always doing things that make me laugh.