Sunday, March 30, 2008
I have kid art on MY fridge
The changes are so fast, I can't keep up with them. My bambino's are emerging little people. I watch in amazement as they accomplish so much, I don't even know where to start in telling you all they do. Maybe that they eat with cutlery or are able to communicate most of their needs or that they play creatively on their own. They are even bring home art......
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Communication is Important

As I rushed out of the house this morning I mentioned to Ant to make sure he leaves through the front door and doesn't lock the seconded lock on the side door. Our key situation..... confusing and locking the second lock on the side door is, well read on and see.
So Ant heard something about a lock and a side door and well can you see where this is going...... thats right LOCKED OUT!!!! CRAP!!!! Now what am I going to do? I'm going to call it ambition and self discipline but really I was planning on using it as my cop out, I put my gym bag in the car before I left thinking "It will be too late to go by the time I get done, but at least I tried". God works in mysterious ways, needless to say I was thankful for that pink bag sitting there beside me :P
So after some very angry toddlers were strapped back into their car seats, we headed to the mall for some lunch and a wander, then we hit the gym. The kids got to play at the day care and I got a work out ending with a sauna. Now you are all wondering how long this out of home hiatus lasted. Here is where my blessings came in spades, the landlords were planning a showing at 3:45 pm, if I had had to wait for Ant, I would have be left out in the cold till, the earliest 11 pm.
So what is my lesson of the day???? Communication is the Key !!!!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
A busy Easter
I hope you all had a great Easter :)
What have we been up to???? I'm not sure really, busy with life I guess. We had a good weekend! We went to Kekabeka Falls for a little walk on Sat. Sun, Our first official Easter Egg hunt was a success. Now their eggs were not really hidden merely placed on various surfaces, but they were gathered and put in baskets and really thats the point right?
I also got the opportunity to do a Maternity Photo Shoot for a friend this weekend and it was a blast :) I loved every minute of it and what a model, she is so very beautiful. I hope to show some of the pictures, but they are not done yet so I'm going to get back to working on them.
Friday, March 21, 2008
She is sooo stubborn
I have just been upstairs with Ava for over an hour now. She would not lay down in her crib. She fell asleep in my arms, she fell asleep on my bed, but she would not lay down in her crib. She did not cry as long as I was in the room (now I know that there are some out there that would say just let her cry, but her roommate would then be awake and I'd rather stand there in the dark then deal with two screaming kids) So there she sat upright for an hour. Eyes closing in exhaustion, body swaying as she dozed in and out, brain repeating "do not lay down, whatever you do, don't lay down" I have witnessed this phenomenon before in other kids, only there is a motive to stay awake. To watch a movie or eat ice cream not just the outright refusal to lay down.

I have to admit seeing her stubbornness is kind of like looking in the mirror :P
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The First day of spring!!!!
So there was no napping here today which left lots of time to get out and enjoy the spring sunshine. We took the dogs on a long walk and played outside when we got back. I got to play with the camera here are some shots I got.
Pictures of the day..... Out side play

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Happy One and One Half Birthday

Dear Ava
My baby Bean, my love, the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. I am so greatful that I get to be your mommy. I am blessed with your smiles daily, as well as your tears. I get to comfort you and make you giggle. I get to watch you grow and become more of your self each day. I love that fact that you love your letters and carry the "O" with you everywhere. You can point out o's in your books and are so proud. We have our daily habits that I love so much. I do your hair each morning. I sit down and you come and sit in front of me and play with the elastics and berets till I'm done. Then we clean them up together. If you wake up at night all you need is a good hug, and your back to sleep, though I could hug you all night long. You have just started nodding your head yes and no to let us know what you want. It is so cute, it melts my heart. Please always know how deeply I love you.
Dear Ethan
My boy, my Ethan boy, oh how I love you. I love the way your eyes light up when you get excited. I'm blessed to have you in my life, to watch you learn and grow. You learn quickly, it takes you no time at all to learn new skills. You love to help me with all the chores like sweeping, vacuuming and tidying up your toys. You know many words, but use the word "up" as your main form of communication. You just started telling me that you hear the airplanes that fly over our house by yelling "au"(airplane) and pointing to your ear. Then you run to the window to catch sight of them. You also started giving hugs, you sneak up behind your Dad and I to give our legs a quick hug. I hope you will always know how much you mean to me.
I love you both so much that I can not hold it all in my heart and it flows out in the tears of joy I cry each time I realize that you are the biggest blessing I have ever been given. Please know that this love will never fade, you are held in my heart forever.
Happy Birthday
Love Mommy
Monday, March 17, 2008
Wow a day of extremes
Ava had a very sad day and Ethan found joy in almost everything. An example of this is was a conversation they had with their Auntie Nikki. Ethan's conversation started with an excited Hi and continued to giggles and rolling laughter. Ava on the other had, responded to each question with a long pitiful "auh".

Another things Ethan found funny today was learning how to lick things. How fun is this stage, so needles to say nothing was left unlicked. I saved a diaper in the final moments as he giggled away. It was cute however when his victim was an Oreo cookie.
Another things Ethan found funny today was learning how to lick things. How fun is this stage, so needles to say nothing was left unlicked. I saved a diaper in the final moments as he giggled away. It was cute however when his victim was an Oreo cookie.
Walking on her toes
I know kids walking on their toes is not an odd thing. Ava seems to be taking it to the next level. I'm going to attempt to get a picture of this so I can post it. She is now walking on her toes, like the tops of her toes. I guess it would be better described as walking on her toe knuckles.
Wow that was lots of work, but I got it. A picture of this stomach turning means of transportation.
How much notice would you need to show your house to strangers?
Well this morning I got hmm..... lets say 10 mins. I didn't actually take the time to look at the clock I had other things to attend to, but lets back track a little here so I feel a little better about the state of the house. 1) Ava is sick and very very very....very clingy 2) I had a fax machine malfunction that couldn't be fixed till 9 am this morning which left me an hour to have my paperwork finished 3) it's laundry day, I'm talking piles in every room
So what would you do first???? Well I chose get dressed, because there is nothing better then greeting people in P.J. with sleep in your eyes. Then gathered the piles of laundry and made one great pile by the washing machine so at least it wasn't out of place. I was rushing around the kitchen picking up the explosion of stuff the kids had left behind when there was a knock at the door......
Things I had already done this morning before the call from the landlord, vacuum, put away all the clean laundry, gotten the kids ready for the day and all my paperwork :)
Picture of the day........ Do they get along?
So what would you do first???? Well I chose get dressed, because there is nothing better then greeting people in P.J. with sleep in your eyes. Then gathered the piles of laundry and made one great pile by the washing machine so at least it wasn't out of place. I was rushing around the kitchen picking up the explosion of stuff the kids had left behind when there was a knock at the door......
Things I had already done this morning before the call from the landlord, vacuum, put away all the clean laundry, gotten the kids ready for the day and all my paperwork :)
Picture of the day........ Do they get along?

Sunday, March 16, 2008
How's your memory
Does anyone out there remember teething???? I am wondering how this escapes us as adults. Seriously a year and a half of agony keeping you awake for days. This just seems like something that would stick with you. I know as a parent these memories will be ingrained into my mind as a foggy sleep deprived internal battle to remain patient and loving. I am for the most part winning, What? My eyes are a little red, no really I've just been sneezing a lot.
Picture of the day.......
Picture of the day.......

Saturday, March 15, 2008
There we go cleared off and ready to type.......
Well gross best describes my last couple of days...... runny noses(mine included), drool, and whining about teeth. And let me tell you, getting back into a routine while all this was happening was a real treat. We almost got a full night sleep last night Woohoo!!!!! So after nap time we're heading to the gym, I'm in desperate need of a sauna.... I mean work out.
Well where were we you ask? We headed home for a week, and there is not much to write about. I was sick and in bed for half of it, but I did get to work with my sister for a couple days :) I miss spending time with her. The weather kept all the visitors that I managed to get in touch with (before I got sick) away. What a storm!!!!!!! I wish I had gotten pictures of it to post here, but alas I couldn't stay awake long enough. It snowed for 24 hrs strait, I haven't seen this much snow in years. I think you could total the amount of snow that has fallen the entire time I lived in Newbourgh and it would still be less then what fell last weekend!
Picture of the day.......
Well where were we you ask? We headed home for a week, and there is not much to write about. I was sick and in bed for half of it, but I did get to work with my sister for a couple days :) I miss spending time with her. The weather kept all the visitors that I managed to get in touch with (before I got sick) away. What a storm!!!!!!! I wish I had gotten pictures of it to post here, but alas I couldn't stay awake long enough. It snowed for 24 hrs strait, I haven't seen this much snow in years. I think you could total the amount of snow that has fallen the entire time I lived in Newbourgh and it would still be less then what fell last weekend!
Picture of the day.......

Friday, March 14, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
Sleep I checked it out, and people need it, including bambino's. Waking up early does not make for a very happy morning. I already have a headache, napping is already underway and it's just after noon. So daily routine is out the window..... gone..... Here's hoping they wake up happy :)
Picture of the day..........
Picture of the day..........
Sunday, March 2, 2008
A note from before

Help Me!!!!!!
There is someone awake upstairs, I don't know who and I'm not stupid enough to go check. There is no crying or talking, just a thump thump of a bottle being smashed into the side of the's after nine.....this is my time......who does s/he think they are. It's Bean(Ava) I heard a small hissing sound. How board must she be, laying there in the dark.....maybe I should see what she's doing .....Jen don't head for the stairs......
Things we are doing now.....
- Both of us can eat with a fork
- Both of us run and run
- Most of the time we sleep through the night
- We both think dogs are funny
- We are very good at throwing temper tantrums
- We are good at helping Mommy and Daddy clean up our toys
- Ava calls Ethan "Enan"
- Ethan does shifty eyes very well
- Ava plays with blocks more often then Ethan
- Ethan loves to play cars
- Ava likes to hold your hand when she's walking around with you
- Ethan does not want to hold your hand he wants to wander on his own
- We have picked 2 places to put things away, when we don't know where they go. Inside a Tupperware bin and in the play pen.
- We find opening the DVD drive on the computer very fun, and will take every opportunity we can find to do it.
- Ava likes to watch TV
- Ethan does not have patients to watch TV but he likes it on in the back ground
- Both of us throw things when we get frustrated
- Ava wants to play with DVD's, Ava is not aloud to play with DVD's, this makes Ava throw a temper tantrum
- Ethan falls a lot
- Ava grinds her teeth
- We love love love our Daddy, he's the best

Saturday, March 1, 2008
Drinking issues
Ava could drink you all under the table, if you were into apple juice that is. The girl is a chugger. She's a champ. I'm actually glad that there aren't any popular alcoholic beverages that have anything to do with apple juice. It means we should be safe till at least preschool.
Drink drink drink....."ohhhhhh juice"
Picture of the day......For the Love of Tigger
Drink drink drink....."ohhhhhh juice"
Picture of the day......For the Love of Tigger

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