Dear Baby,
This pregnancy has been both long and short. I have been pregnant all of 2009 so far, and can't remember a time that you were not with me. We have decided not to find out whether you are a girl or a boy. This has made naming you quite difficult. We have no names at all picked and I'm slightly worried that you'll leave the hospital know only as Baby H. Everyone guessing pink or blue has changed their minds several times. I have said from the beginning that I'm pretty sure your a boy, but my guess is girl. This means when you come out I will have been right and expecting you all along. I think that you may be a soccer player with the strength of some of you kicks. I have on many occasions had to push your little feet back so that you don't create a foot shaped stretch mark on my stomach. You are more active then the twins combined which gives me this over whelming feeling that I may never sleep again :), but I'm sure that once you get here you will be perfect, sleeping, eating and well over all just as wonderful as your brother and sister. Your older siblings make sure they wish you a good morning with a hug and sometimes a kiss. Ava often cuddles you and tells you how cute you are "oh cute baby". I'm so excited for the three of you to meet, you will be the three amigos and I'm sure will assist each other in all kinds of trouble.
Your arrival will be in the next month, there are guesses as early as the 17th of Aug, but that seems so soon. My guess is just after your due date on the 9th of Sept. Your Daddy's guess is your due date the 6th of Sept. When ever you get here I'm excited to meet you!
Love Mommy

Anyone else have a guess as to when this bambino will make their appearance?