Saturday, April 17, 2010

I had never met a mango

OK that is a lie, I saw one once in grade 8 in a home economics class focused on fruit. But today mango and I became friends. I wasn't sure what to expect, no that's not true I was expecting a pit, a round pit in the center. Kind of peach like. So my cutting technique was off a little and the first one was a massacre. I think it might not have been too ripe either, ya that's it it was the mango's fault. Once I discovered that the pit or what ever the hardened center was ran the width of the mango the second attempt was a much prettier sight indeed. Ella as far as I could tell liked mango, look at me go with the baby food making. So there is my big adventure of the day here in mommy land. I learned a new skill how to cut up a mange. I can now check that of the to do list of life :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

What I Have Other Kids?

Oh right... Them, the ones who I have to bribe to even look at the camera.

Ethan update: The boy is crazy. Need I say more. He is always on the move, although he has really taken an interest in reading lately so you might find him sitting for a moment or two perusing a good book. His vocabulary is now almost ledgably to others now and not just me. I went through a faze where I just repeated everything he said when other people were around it was just easier then picking up in the middle of a conversation when some one didn't understand. He is also interested in photography and love to get the camera out and take pictures. I love all the surprises on the camera when he is done, do you know what this is?
This boy keeps his room tidy, and knows the rules. He may not always follow them, but if someone tries to break one he is all over it. He is turning out to be one of the best brothers a girl could have. I find him playing with Ella just to make her laugh. And tonight at dinner when Ava didn't qualify for desert, after I left the room he gladly gave up some of his ice cream as long as she ate some fruit first (see rules must be followed even when I'm not in the room). Love that kid to bits!

Ava update: SHE EATS VEGGIES! Yes I yelled that out loud when I wrote it too. There is now a group of fruits and veggies she will eat. Peas and corn she will voluntarily eat on her own and other she must be asked to eat, but healthy is on it's way hooray. She inherited small toys from someone who had out grown them, so bits and bits of barbie, LPS and other various small itty bitty items a carefully carried around the house is a variety of bags and purses. She is girly, which from an early age was not at all her style. She didn't play with dolls until she was well over two. She is all about friends, everyone is a friend. She calls all kids friends and is not shy to talk to them at all. She even approaches older kids in a venture to make a friend (it's really funny to watch a 12 year old respond to such a request).

So much change, I have filled out school registration and they are signed up for soccer that starts in a couple of weeks. They are so grown up, looking at them makes me so proud inside that they are such great little people. I think I'm going to go cuddle with them right now.... um maybe I'll wait till morning :P
Oh I can't help it.... she sits still :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ella 7 Months

I get it you are not slowing down. I have resigned to the fact that you are going to carry on barreling through your babyhood with no regard that I wish for you to stay little. Because of this fact however don`t be offended when at the age of 16 I start blowing razzberries at you to make you laugh, I will just look at you and say "you just should have stayed a baby for a couple years longer".

On your SIZE: you have moved up a diaper size and into 12 mth clothing. You are tall and have poked holes in the bottom of your sleepers as your waist wades around in a vast amount of fabric.

On your MOBILITY: You prefer to stand, but sitting is acceptable. With all your reaching and trying to keep an eye on your ever moving siblings you have been doing a little face planting into the ground. This ends you up on your stomach OH THE DREADED STOMACH which you will put up with for all of a min before letting some one know in your very loud indoor voice. At the moment I can leave you in one spot and when I come back you are still there, but the days are fleeting and that scares me. That means baby proofing and well this house isn't the best for that. So maybe we'll be moving back to Thunder Bay to the comfort of an empty duplex till the worst is over..... wait it was cold there! What's plan B.

On your Vocabulary: I swear you say mom, but then you went and put me in my place when it sounded a lot like num feed me now woman. Your favorite sound to make is razzberies over and over till you are drenched in your own razzberry juice. You also love to twist your tongue as you stick it out at me before diving head first into my chest in a fit of giggles.

On your Food: I don't know whether you like it or not yet..... you yell at me the whole time. Kinda stressful. You have tried sweet potato's, peas, pears, apples, banana's and cereal. Oh and you had half a slice of whole wheat bread in itty bitty bites, you didn't complain about that. You also LOVE rice rusks. When you have eaten it all you scream hysterics till you get more.

On you in general: You now have trouble in the twinkle of your eye and have learned that screaming is fun from your brother. You are a mommies girl and I'm loving it to bits. Your finger nails are deadly little weapons aimed at peoples noses. Your hair is still crazy and your smile could melt the world.

I Love you Ella

How to say goodbye

After years and I mean years of wanting to be pregnant and have kids I am sitting on the other side and am not sure how to handle it. My brain is not handling all this freed up thinking time very well. I have not posted all that much partly because I have been so very busy, but also because there have been some very sad days. I am fine when interacting with my bambinos, they put a smile on my face and in my heart, but as they nap or wander off to them self's I flounder away the time. Wallowing, lonely emptied of all the desire I had carried around for so long. I know I no longer need them, I have what I wanted, what I yearned for playing in the next room.
This week though I took a step forward.
I am letting go,
That kinda feels good :)

Monday, April 5, 2010