Sunday, March 4, 2012

Saturday, March 3, 2012

A lot of the blogs I read have stopped posting regularly....... what? oh yes, that kettle is very black.

I can't even remember the last thing I posted and I haven't taken many pictures of life here in the little house. In this house I don't really have enough room to take any pictures. Standing at one end of the room you can't capture crazy bouncing, non standy still children, WHO WON'T STOP MOVING!

We have a long list of things that have to be here. A friend of ours came over and she was all "this house is.... cozy" when you repeat cozy enough times it starts to sound a lot more like crazy.

I was just off searching for some adequate picture to share w
ith you when someone decided there would be non of that and up chucked into my lap. All is now cleaned up and there is a two year old with red cheeks curled up in my lap.

Here is a pic of a great new place I found to do a photo session.
Hahaha I just read that back to myself and yes dear friends life is that scattered :0)