Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Maybe it's because I...... yep that's it, that's why it's been so hard to write.  That is my story and I'm sticking to it :)

Well I have been a paid editing maniac this summer and it feels so good to pour myself into it.

  Although the down fall is that I haven't spent all that time taking and editing pictures of the kids :(
We had a great summer and the fall is still a non stop list of things to do and places to be. The kids are in swimming and Tie Quan Doe and LOVING it!  All three of them are taking a family class at the Y and are so excited when we can make it to both of the two classes they offer each week.  Ella started swimming lessons, Ava is still working on the same level,  Ethan got lucky enough to end up in a class all to himself and has gone from doggie paddle to diving and the front stroke in two classes. It is crazy how a little one on one time can help. 

That is all for now, see those crazies over there? yep them, they need food so I have to go buy some.