Friday, November 28, 2014

Summer - Touch-Me-Nots

One of the neatest things is to see your kids experience something that you loved to do as a kid.  I still get all excited at the sight touch-me-nots, real name I don't think I've ever known...... Impatiens capensis thanks Google.

Friday, November 21, 2014

On Building

Ethan wants to build. He is constantly telling us about all kinds of great inventions. He will go on excitedly for days about one idea. So when one of the many, and I mean many remote control devices in the house fell apart it was a great opportunity to let his imagination go wild. He hit the recycling bin and came up with a plan. He and his dad set to work. Here is what he created.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Summer 2014 - Bear Den Mt.

I have to say this summer was a game changer in the parenting department. This was the first year that all three bambinos were willing and able to attempt some really cool things. We weren't sure how well Ella would do at hiking. So we picked a moderate trail and set out. Seems I have some training to do before next year so I'll be able to keep up with her.

We decided on Bear Den Mt. it was about a 45 min hike and low in difficulty. Ella led the way, Ava and Ethan close behind. Well Ava kept me company at the back for some of it. It was so wonderful to watch them climb and really enjoy the experience. I'm so glad this is something our whole family loves to do!

On the way down we found a stream and.....

Friday, November 14, 2014

Our Summer 2014 - Post 1

The order of these summer posts will not be in the order in which they occurred.

These are from our visit to my sisters house this summer.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thanks For Hanging In

Thank you to the 2 or 3 of you who seem to have kept faith in the fact, that although I am unpredictable and able to keep to a schedule. That I would one day return :)
I'm not going to make any promises like I'll be blogging on a regular basis, but I feel like life has opened up a few doors lately that may allow me some time to catch you guys up a little.

So lets catch up......
I'm going to do the sad news first.
We had to put down our loving dog Penny in August. She was always such a great part of the family and we were all pretty torn apart about it. I cried for days, I didn't realize how big of snuggler she was and how much time we spent together.
As we are known for doing we made some big changes and bought a new house. We moved on October 15 to a beautiful old house about 2 blocks from our last one. This house offered us what we were really wanting more space and to keep the kids at the same school.
The move went smoothly enough, but with the short time that we gave ourselves we had not finished all the work on the last house. Our last month has been full of painting and the last of the renovations. Which has given us little time to really get settled into the new house. But the important things are done like the hot tub and the kitchen :)

I was looking back at when I first stared this blog and I believe it was around this time 7 years ago.... that's right 7. I had two little bambinos who weren't even walking yet. Now OH HOW WE'VE GROWN! These guys are so amazing I can't really put it into words.... probably has something to do with the lack of writing here. I have to admit that this parenting thing is a totally crazy experience and I am so lucky that I have these great little people to help me through it. They are incredible loving and understanding of all the crazy things we put them through.

I would like to do a recap of what we were up to this past summer, so maybe I'll be posting that later this week???

It was great catching up with the small group of you that still hung around :)

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Last Day of School

This has been a weird year, it feels like it’s flown by, yet the winter felt like it lasted forever. But here it is the last day of school and yes I have cried. No no no not because these guys are going to drive me crazy this summer, ok maybe a little hehe

More that this is the end of something and that always makes me cry, I’m a sap that’s all there is to it!

Last day of School


First Day of School


Friday, June 20, 2014


So after many a Saturday morning of convincing her she wanted to dance, the rutoon (recital) had finally arrived. I was worried that she would be to scarred to go on stage. She would not dance at home or in front of anyone. She would hide at the mention of it. But on that day she pranced out on stage and gave it her all. When it was all done she was all ready to sign up for next year.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Hello Summer 2014

One of the parks here in Cambridge has a BMX Bike track and I have been trying to convince Ethan to give it a try. This year I just loaded everyone bikes, scooters and helmets into the van and we went for it. He was a little shy at first, but once he got going it didn't want to stop.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

First tooth

I remember so well little teeth popping up through little gums. All the pain and sleepless nights. And then tonight Ava lost her first tooth. So now they are on their way out......
There were tears and fear and then I finally just pulled it out.
Now we wait for the tooth fairy. It's all so very exciting!