Thursday, June 26, 2014

Last Day of School

This has been a weird year, it feels like it’s flown by, yet the winter felt like it lasted forever. But here it is the last day of school and yes I have cried. No no no not because these guys are going to drive me crazy this summer, ok maybe a little hehe

More that this is the end of something and that always makes me cry, I’m a sap that’s all there is to it!

Last day of School


First Day of School


Friday, June 20, 2014


So after many a Saturday morning of convincing her she wanted to dance, the rutoon (recital) had finally arrived. I was worried that she would be to scarred to go on stage. She would not dance at home or in front of anyone. She would hide at the mention of it. But on that day she pranced out on stage and gave it her all. When it was all done she was all ready to sign up for next year.