Monday, December 28, 2009

16 weeks

Hope you all had a great Christmas.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tonight is our Christmas Eve as Ant won't be home on the 24th or the 25th.
Wishing you all the best this holiday season.

Photo Shoot

Last night I squeezed in a photo shoot, when you ask? Between the screaming baby and bed time that is when. I loved it!!!!!! Here are some of the pictures I got..... newborn pics are the best.
Welcome to the world sweet sweet Shay-Lynn.

Monday, December 21, 2009

15 Weeks

Here is this weeks picture. It was late last night while we watched Christmas movies and waiting for Ella to go to sleep so I could get some wrapping done. She is eating up a storm this week, almost double of last week. There is so much to do here, cleaning, wrapping, and photo shoots Oh my. So back to getting ready for the holidays I go.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

14 Weeks

This week we moved up a size of diapers..... size 3 means 3 months right???? We also introduced formula just a small amount mixed into a bottle, which she held herself so I could fix dinner for the kids. What your counting and notice that this is last weeks post, so ask me how my week was and I'll lie and tell you it was great he he he.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me!

Wow I never would have guessed that by the time I was 34 I would have so much trouble stringing sentences together. But alas here in my lovable fog I have stumbled upon another birthday. This birthday will not be spent in Cuba, which several of my pre children ones were

Oh wait that's upside down, maybe I woke up too early this morning.....
No instead of relaxing on the beach with an "ifer" cake* I will get up early to feed children, get them dressed as they scream at me the injustices of the world. I will cram them into car seats to take them were other people will look after them for awhile so I can go out and spoil myself with a little pampering. Then weather permitting we'll head out for dinner just Ant and I.
I requested a pink cake, then was informed yesterday that that was for Ava's birthday and I should just stop right there. So it was decided that I could indeed have a purple cake, YUM either way.

The weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful so we are not headed out tonight. Not that I'm complaining. I'm looking forward to the best spaghetti ever, monkey bread and purple cake with my favorite people in the world..... My family

Monday, December 7, 2009

13 Weeks

Oh how the weeks are flying by. I'm soaking up as much of Ella's babyness as I can. She is so sweet, her cry is so delicate and heartbreaking. She is articulate and although her vocabulary is small she puts great effort into every word. She has amazing siblings who hate to see her cry, their attempts to sooth her are almost always a success. She loves to be held and you must be standing. Sitting is for sissies. She sleeps for a good span at night..... most nights. Soft blankets are her tired eyes worst enemy, a second wrapped in their coziness and she is lost in sleep. Her pets, a monkey, parrot and frog whom circle around on her mobile, have her gazing up in smiles and coos. As I spend my days trying to keep things together she has slipped out of infancy and into babyhood with chubby cheeks and giggles.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Some nights work out..... Some do not!!!!!

So many posts these days get started and then left behind. This night happened the 13th of November. This was one of those nights that did not flow. Ella was a little cranky and Ethan was so tired that he ended up asleep on the couch. And while all this was going on Ava was helping me out in the bath room cleaning with potty water.

Looking back it's kinda funny :P