Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Morning

Where are your MITTS?
Yep, I'm ready for winter to be over :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ava's Flowers

I love that Ava has convinced us to have fresh flowers in the house the last couple of weeks, it puts a smile on my face :0)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Alone time was the one thing I felt I missed out on with twins. Their was always someone else I needed to care for. That is not to say I didn't get time with each of them, but with Ant being gone a lot while they were young it definitely wasn't hours at a time. So I am loving getting to spend so much quality time with Ella. Although I have to go now as she has just grabbed my cheeks and tore me away from the computer.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Gym

I love baby toes.

Now onto a rant about gyms, I have been to the gym on and off again for a very long time. Some I went to and some I just handed over my money and walked away (smart I know).
So again today I stepped threw the front doors of a gym, debit card in hand ready to swipe away. I however had to stop, turn around and run. Now the reality here is I can't sign up for the year. We may be moving some time next month or maybe next fall who knows. So I'm not willing to paying for a full year only to walk away again.
I knew I was going to pay a little bit extra. People it was a hundred dollars extra. Membership price per month for the year is just over forty dollars, they wanted over a hundred and forty for one month. Ha.... ha ha ha.... oh your not joking, no thanks I'll pass.

So I came home and decided to blog instead, has anyone done a study on how many calories you burn while typing?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lazy Day

I had a to do list for today.
It had a bunch of stuff on it.
I haven't looked at it.

I filled my day with this instead :)

Happy Birthday Auntie Nikki

So all I can remember is a truck and some cosmos.......
and something about a loaf?????

Monday, January 10, 2011

First day of School

I feel like I've written this before? The kids take the bus this morning for the first time to their new school. I of course will follow the bus and meet them at the other end. As any over protective crazy in love with their kids parent would do. That and I don't even know what time to expect them home. I'm thinking I should find out so I will be here for that :)

Good luck Bambinos on another exciting adventure!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Back in the Pool

We have signed the kids up for swimming lessons. Tonight was the first night back after the holidays, we got a call just as we were about to leave explaining that there had been a fouling in the pool and the lessons would be held in the toddler pool. So to their 4 year old nature two questions arose 1)what is a fouling and 2) why?
So after coming up with a good answer for both questions the jokes started to fly about the big giant's poop in the pool. Who knew there were giants in the big C