Saturday, December 31, 2011

At the end of the year

It rained here last night, it made me glad to have gotten out to play in the snow yesterday. We threw snowballs and built a snowman named frosty. The kids took turns being launched of the end of the slide into a pile of snow at the bottom. It was so much fun!
Other then the plague that seems to be hanging around the house it has been a great holiday, there was no stress associated with how and when we saw everyone and Ant has been home the whole time.
Tonight the last day of the year we will bake a cake and have hamburger gravy for dinner and watch a movie all snuggled up on the couch. I know this doesn't sound like the parties of our younger days, but I have to say I love it and know that these days are numbered. So I will enjoy all the time I have with these bambinos of ours.
This past year has been a crazy one that will be looked back on as the start of so many new things in our family, all the love that has been experienced and oh ya that pool :)
Nothing has changed more then the three monkeys that consume my days and who they become amazes me to no end.




Happy New Year to all and may 2012 bring you peace and happiness xoxo

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

The kids went to see Santa, we made gingerbread houses, we baked cookies, we wrapped presents, put up lights, visited with family and still there is more we get to see, but above all the wonderful Christmas things we have done this year having a relaxing day with Ant home for it all has made this the best Christmas EVER!
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday
Merry Christmas To All

Monday, December 12, 2011


How is this year almost over, Christmas is just around the corner and I just had another birthday. We have been spinning around like tops here, in our new tiny house. As we get settled in I love it more and more. It is comfortable and cozy and we have such big plans for it. A new kitchen and an extra bathroom. We all sleep better here, everyone all sleeping through the night (although I'm sure I just jinxed it )
Even better, Ant is off for Christmas, the first one since he started this job. Kind of feeling all tingly inside about Christmas this year, it's been a while.

Our Christmas TreeAlign Center