Sunday, December 30, 2007

2007 A Year in Review

This is all Pic's folks lots and lots of them.....


I love this Pic, I can't believe it was a year ago.



Mommy and Ava

Peas any one


Oh so cute

Ethan working on the computer with Daddy


Mother's day.....Ant was gone so this was the only way I could get a pic of the three of us. It was a lot of fun.


A trip to the park(Photograph by Brian Acton)

A day at the beach

Rubber boots


Ava and her Auntie Nikki

Ethan's first hair cut


The Team

This is one of my favorites of Ava

All of us at Nik's wedding


Their first Birthday


Our little piano player


I think there might be more pilots in the family


Ok if anyone has seen a baby picture of Ant, there is no doubt she's his

Ava talking to Gramma on Christmas day

Ethan loved the lights on the Christmas tree

Welcome 2008
We're ready for the next year. I'm looking forward to watching these guys grow and find out what they are going to do next:)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas

I hope everyone had a great Christmas!!!!!

Our Christmas Eve:

Lunch out was our first official eating out disaster.......Ava (having 4 teeth on the top and 2 teeth on the bottom breaking through) was shall we say less then patient with oh!!!! EVERYTHING!!!!

All dressed up.......

A Pic of the two of them sitting nicely in front of the tree.......(you try to get 2 one yr olds to sit still) this was the best one:)......

Cookies and Milk for Santa....

Our Christmas started nice and early, you'd think we would have had at least one more sleep in. No we were up at I think 6:30 (long story about a Man and his watch). As you can see it's still very dark out:)

So here are a collection of pic's of Christmas morning!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Lets try a video or 2

I have let you all down lately.......I can picture it now, you have sat down with your coffee or some other warm beverage ready to see my little angels in action. With a little story to brighten your day.......and day, after day, after day, you have been let down. So trying to make up for it I have spent the last hr trying to figure out how to upload these videos(no laughing at my skill level here, yes an hr). I so hope they work.....

Sunday, December 16, 2007

A tree at last!

My little Elf
With Ethan asleep and Ava's grabby fingers to Wal-Mart we went..... on a Sat afternoon the week before Christmas..... crazy you say...... I suppose your right, but we did it anyway. We "patiently" waded through crowds of others who had left shopping to the last minute. I would love to give you some great reason for this last min expedition, but alas it's simply we left it till now. I'm glad that this parenting thing gives you a couple of trial runs. There are no desperate wants from a 1 yr old, no toy they just had to have that we couldn't get because we put off shopping:) So we've learned our lesson.

Ant found our tree for $20, I'm actually proud of him. He didn't grab the 14.99 one, it wasn't tall enough(I sense a little Christmas spirit). Now decorations, we don't need anymore!!!!! I've indulged for many years now with decorations(I could decorate two full trees in different themes). This would be all good if they were here in Thunder Bay. Well I won't leave you hanging any longer, we got a star(because it's not a Christmas tree without one), lights and some candy canes:) Yep that's it oh and a $3 tree skirt(that was my find I was so proud, I think Ants rubbing off on me). I Love it!!!!!!! It's our best tree ever, Here's why.....

The candy canes are hung only on the upper part of the tree, so no little fingers can reach. It's those little fingers and eyes big with excitement that leave no question as to why this will always be one of my favorites.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

We had a great trip!!!!!

Their first flight.......

That was a great pic wasn't it:) Yep that's right, for all of you that know me well I have a really bad habit of not taking really important pic's. So you'll all have to wait for their second flight for pic's, not a long wait seeing as we'll be heading back at the at the end of Jan for a doctor's apt. for Ava(a heart check-up, everyone pray that the holes in her heart have closed themselves up and there will be no surgery in her future). So everyone who missed us this time clear your calenders, be well rested(he he he) and we'll see you then:) (Mom I hope you'll be here to visit before then:) Just let us know what dates).

So what happened on this whirlwind of a trip.....I bet your wondering if Thurs went as planned????? Good Question I'll start from my very sick Wed, the flu does wonders for keeping yourself on schedule. This was a situation I had dreaded since they were born....How do you take care of bambino's while holding down the couch? I drifted in and out with cartoons in the background, with the odd trip to the bucket in the kitchen(because the idea of making it over the baby gate on the stairs didn't seem feasible). So other then a 2 hr break(Ant had a layover here) we made it through. I have the best Bambino's in the world!!!!!!!! They played all day by themselves, and then to top off the day they slept ALL night:)

So that takes me to Thurs morning, well rested waking up to little voices(what did I tell you the best!!!!). We had a restful day so none of my ambitious goals were met, but we were ready to go when Ant walked through the door so that's all that matters:) I did some reading about traveling with toddlers, one of the recommendations is to travel when they sleep LOL! So I recommend this if you want really tired bambino's cramped into a small space. Although they did very well, a couple of switches between Ant and I when they got board did the trick. They were awake till we got them into the car and got onto the highway.

hhhh Home sweet home!!!! K so other then my sister.....I MISS my BED the most. A king sized super pillow top with great 400 thread count sheets(and the sheets mater). What a great night sleep:) We had to head into work on Fri because Nik (my sister) was threatening to walk the 11 km to the house if we didn't. So a short visit and a little shopping took up most of Friday. Auntie Niki and Mr. Chris came over after work we had a BBQ and spent the night catching up:). The Bambino's loved the freedom of the house running all over and playing with all the toys we left behind.

Sat we made it to Cobourg for a short visit, a little Christmas spirit:) I got to see lots of baby pics to see how much Ava and Ethan look like their Dad, Aunt and Uncle. I love looking at pic so it was a lot of fun.

Then another evening at home with Nik. We brought in my Birthday giggling over a couple glasses of wine(oh thank God for sisters).

I got to sleep in on Sun between Ant and Nik the bambino's were well taken care of. I was woken up to the patter of little feet(and knees). Then we all headed into Kingston for my favorite breakfast. Ava and Ethan had a lovely breakfast of sausage and hash browns Ethan even ate some eggs. Ant gave him some brown sauce(HP bleh) he made his lemon face then ate more????? Then we did a tour of Chapters, Ethan did a couple laps and hit the mall.

Sun night we through a little party for my Birthday and a work Christmas party. My Dad made it on short notice and it was a nice visit:) There was very little playing shy this time:)(the bambinos not my Dad he he he) We had another little Christmas for the bambino's they got some well needed pajamas, some new clothes and a book which I think was there favorite. Ant and I got a new little camera, so that we have a camera that can be pulled out easily. That way I can focus on work with my SLR:) And for all of you reading this blog it means more pics, because it won't take me so long to up load the photos:)

Then all of a sudden it was 4am on Mon morning and there was this annoying sound coming from the alarm clock????? So after a quick wake up and a shuffle of all of us out to the car, we head back to the airport. We get most of the way there before the bambino's open their eyes. So it was a peaceful drive:) The flight home was good, has anyone out there ever changed a diaper on a plane????? Oh soooo much fun!!!!! Ava and I had a laugh. We got home at about noon. I have to say I don't miss all the driving we used to do.

I haven't had a chance to get back to you guys, they both came down with the flu:( I'm not sure how it works that Ant gets to be away every time these disgusting events occur????? I got covered the floor was covered and a nice little treat in the tub.......I caught some cute pic's through out all of this thought.....
My cleaning crew....

A little cold never hurt anyone.....