Wednesday, December 31, 2008

See You In 2009

I hope You all have a great New Years Eve, and a fabulous 2009!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'm Pregnant!

I'm not posting this today for two reasons one I haven't told Ant and two I can't breath. I wondered if I would ever be pregnant again. Actually I thought that it wouldn't happen, I waded threw deep emotions. Would these perfect beings (Ava and Ethan)be all I was given. I trusted in God for this decision, it was his, my heart swayed, but I would do no more then ask for his will. As of today I am 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant. So thank you for this blessing.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Here's to chocolate......

Here's to presents.......

But most importantly here's to friends and family.....
Oh and not having a camera around my neck and in every one of those friend and families faces :)

Monday, December 22, 2008


I'm so cheating right now. I'm supposed to be getting ready for work. So girls if your reading this the time and date are wrong....... really :P
But I can't help it I HAVE FREE TIME! and the neighbor is snow blowing our driveway...... totally negates the fact that I was out side in the middle of the night with kids shoveling away so I could get out of the driveway this morning. So I might bake him cookies this afternoon in thanks see what one can do with FREE TIME.
I'm actually going to get ready for work now cuz I CAN :)
And no one will scream at me through the door...... I won't come out to find powder foundation snow the color of my skin tone covering a transport truck......

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I Think I've Lost Santa's Trust

So being helpful I decided to give Santa a hand. The storage locker he is using to store all the toys was getting a little full so he'd called me about a week or two ago and asked if we had any room. I said of course what can I do to help? Well you can guess what he needed so we made arrangements for Ant to fly a little out of his way on one of his flights and meet up with Santa. All was well until yesterday when our safe hiding place was radded by a very curious little boy. A very disappointed Santa made a special trip to remove the gifts until Christmas. He'll return on Christmas eve and maybe just maybe I won't get coal in my stocking.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Good Morning

Well at least it is so far although the sun is not up yet. I have yet to see the mood to which the bambinos will greet the day, but I have high hopes.
Can you guess why? Nope....
"I'm going to the gym, YA! I'm going to the gym, YA!" sung to a songs in Finding Nemo....... cuz that is what we're watching over and over and over these days.
It has been almost a year, well over 8 months since I've been to a gym. I went almost daily while we were in Thunder Bay, I knew I was going to miss after we left.
Ant being the hero of a husband that he is signed me up yesterday as a Christmas gift. So today with my hair in a pony tail and not in a tank top(cuz your not aloud to wear them at this gym, weird I know) I will put on my running shoes again and pretend I have maintained some sort of fitness level or at least try really hard not to look like I'm dying.
Welcome back shoes, did you enjoy your trip to the bottom black corner of the closet. Good because it's time to get back to business.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Look What I Got Done

I'm really liking this time to get work done while the Bambinos are at daycare. Ava has really taken to it, a hug and a kiss at the door and she disappears out of sight. Ethan however is very disappointed to be left behind when we leave. I was told that he spent all morning quite upset, then took a three hour nap waking up much better. He was all grins when we picked him up.
I got so much work caught up this morning. All the bits a pieces I've started and left in piles. Once I've completed enough to keep things running the piles grow with things I just need to finish. Well I dug through several of those piles today and will go to bed feeling like I'm not desperately behind merely not caught up just yet. Much more peaceful I must say.

Let the Christmasy Christmasing Begin

This is going to be the first year Ant and I will be apart at Christmas. Now I will survive and I will keep my chin up for my Bambinos, but inside my heart beats a little sadder. Not so much for me, but for him and the Bambinos. To be away from them as much as he is takes a toll on him. He is driven and ambitious, qualities we want for our children, but to be so in love with his children and away from them so much is hard. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes, but am so proud that he does this for himself and his family.
Everyone has worked so hard to make this Christmas easy for us, our traveling is minimal, but we still get to see everyone.
This past weekend we went to visit my Dad for our first Christmas. We had a wonderful dinner and a very relaxing afternoon. I look forward to all the celebrating we have left this month.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


I love finding a picture like this when I upload my pictures. They my not be the best lit and the composition may be off the standard, but each of them melts me. When I catch the essence of the person, when I can see it shining so brightly it takes my breath away.
This is my son full of giggles and pure happiness.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I Wear My Sunglasses At Night

Ant and I had some running around to do in town. Seeing as he was going to be gone for over a week and there are just some things I like to do with help. We bundled the bambinos up, and well, Cory Heart would be proud.......

He wore them the entire trip, I got some very weird looks :)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Under the Weather

Ethan tried to pull an all nighter last night, but instead it was me. I pulled him into bed with me at about 2 he would not stop wailing and I didn't want both of them up. He rolled around for another couple hours before I broke down and gave him some Tylenol. He had been rubbing his ear, I was a little worried about an ear infection, but as there seems to be more molars making an appearance teething seems to be the cause. He has spent most of today sleeping, cuddling or laying on the couch. I hope he's better tomorrow.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Our Christmas Tree

For the Love of lights......
I am amazed at the ease of putting up the Christmas tree this year. Most of the time it feels like a chore to put it together and place the lights on. It stretches on and on. It's all I can do to hold off the excitement of peppering the tree with decorations and finally placing the star atop of the masterpiece we have created.
Ethan helped me put together the tree.....
and Ethan helped Ant redo it after I messed it up.
I wish I had taken a picture of the nice tree with a 5 inch gap between the top and bottom branches, but I was too busy rolling around on the ground laughing. Amusement was the theme for the night. After discovering the shattering nature of some of the glass ornaments they became a target for little boy hands. Apparently when things shatter it is cause for great laughter, seeing as I wanted to use them at some point in the future this year was not their time.
Happy Holiday Season!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Day Care aka School

In true Bambino style there was not much sleeping the night before. Between the cries and my trips to the porcelain goddess it was a magical night. I must say I had dreampt up many plans for my day, but after giving my sweet bambinos a full 30 seconds to jump out of the car I headed home to bed and once there refused to accomplish anything else. I swear I looked ten years when I finally came out of my coma. Enough about my wonderfully lazy day. How did the Bambinos do at school......

Ava walked in and went strait to playing with a group of kids. Ethan stuck close to us until he was show the sand box and then we were just a distant memory. Ava caught a glimpse of us on the way out and the tears were a little dramatic, but they were almost gone by the time we reached the door. There was no trouble getting along with the other kids. Nap time was a little confusing for them they just wanted to play, but in the end they slept on their cots. As I expected Ava ate nothing while she was there, but this week she's let some new foods cross her lips so maybe it's opened her to the idea of new foods. So they are off to a great start, we'll see how next week goes.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Potty News

Yesterday there were poop stains in my toilet..... YIPPEE!
Please note, only at this stage in life will this fact excite me.
Oh and some one beat our loving snow man last night.
He wasn't recognizable this morning.
Rest in peace Snowy.

Santa Clause Parade

On Friday Nov 21 we as in Auntie Nikki, Mr. Chris, Ava, Ethan and I crammed into the car. We were headed to Brighton for their annual Santa clause Parade. With a stop to pick up Nanny and Grandad we got the Bambinos all bundled up and found a good place to watch the parade. We waited and waited in the cold. They were not to pleased, but as soon as the Parade came into sight they watched in amazement. Cool cars and Trucks. Lights bright and twinkly. So much too see and music to that made you bop and sing. We had a great night.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

First Snow!

I could not wait to get out side with the Bambinos this morning. I went to bed last night watching the snow out the window hoping it would be on the ground when we woke up. Sure enough it was. We had a big breakfast ( for the energy we'd need) and happily donned our winter outer wear. Ha ha ha your all rolling on the floor laughing at me aren't you. Happily is not exactly the right description and there was more shoving and cramming then donning, but I fought threw their screams and cries knowing full well once I got them out side they would play till they dropped. I was right as soon as the made it through the door the tears were off and the playing began. What first, well I needed proof so out came the camera.

The New Suits
Once I took a couple of shots I dropped the camera off inside pulled on my gloves and was ready for some snowman making.
It was the perfect snow, and the trails left behind made good paths to follow. So we made paths all over the place following each other around. Then we started on a snow fort, but they had no foresight on the project and abandoned me in my efforts. I got half way through and decided that the fort could wait till at least this afternoon and then they might be slightly more interested. Way to teach following through, I know, but honestly I'm not that good at it my self and it's a snow fort. I pulled out the sled we couldn't use last year because we had left it here and trudged through the snow dragging over 58 lbs of Bambino. Talk about a work out, there is a slight hill in our back yard (actually hill is an over statement it's more like a slight incline), but did it ever wear me out. Again and again and again we went round in circles UP then down. I had to drag them back inside when it was time for lunch and now they are passed right out :) I love the snow!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Start On Christmas

If you were around last year you read about us leaving things till the last minute (click here to read) and I swore I we not do it this year
This year is going to be fun. Last year they just about got the idea of presents, but this year there will be much more understanding. Today Nikki and I went to walmart to see what the kids would want for Christmas. They mulled through the toy section, jumping from one toy to the next until........ Ethan found it. The "IT" toy! The one that excites them, when they unwrap it their little eyes light up and more importantly they play with it for hours. Nikki did the distraction (after we finally got him away from it) as I payed for it and took it out to the car. While I was gone Ethan went back to discover the last of the green trucks was gone. By the time I got back to them Ethan was laying face down in the main aisle of the store and Nikki was covered in shoe dust from trying to carry him. He was not crying, he was not screaming merely laying there in the perils of dismay. As sad as my heart was at his disappointment I look forward to the unwrapping of the Green Truck.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

We're still alive

I have been trying to write a post for awhile now. Each day I sit down write a line or two then delete it. I do this over and over again till I close my laptop and just walk away. We aren't doing a whole lot around here, painting, coloring, bathing, whining, crying, running, playing, eating, whining and a little bit more crying.

Ava was adventurous tonight and actually tried chicken fried rice..... two whole bits I was so proud of her. She didn't want anything else to eat and later I found her passed out on the couch, I don't think she's feeling all that well.

Oh wait there is news..... really I think I am missing the portion of my brain that retains information cuz I totally suck at it. We are putting the Bambinos into daycare one day a week. I am so excited for them. When we went to check it out they didn't want to leave. The only thing we are waiting on is their immunization charts to be updated and apparently that takes about a week to tick off and sign. I mean it's really a long arduous task.....
So hopefully starting next Monday they will be starting "school" as we're calling it.

Friday, November 14, 2008


The mess the mess the mess!
The fun the fun the fun!

We got out the paint today, it was a ruff start trying to convince Ethan to wear a smock, but in the end he put it on and got to make a big ol mess. Ava was more reserved and much preferred counting her containers of paint and naming all the colors

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Ethan ran laps last night. I think he had some energy to burn off before he went to bed. Around he went through the kitchen into the living room past the dinning room over and over again. Sometimes with a big grin in our direction showing of his skill. Ava joined in from time to time, but the excitement of running in circles wore off quickly.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


As in Renovations not the city in Nevada, because that would mean we had a babysitter lined up and Ant home. Oh wait we did! I'm starting to wonder what is wrong with us.......
So seeing as everyone thinks that renovating a kitchen is way cooler then a trip anywhere without the responsibility of offspring, we also choose this option. Our Kitchen is coming together though and these new cupboards give us so much more room or maybe it's just that most of the junk we had in the old ones is still in baskets in the spare bedroom. Our system to only keep what we need is to only take things out of the room as we use it. What ever is left in the room after a month will either be stored or thrown out. Sounds good now, but I'm going to guess that the mess in the room will drive me batty before the month runs out.
I just searched for a picture of my old kitchen cupboards and I couldn't find any tonight so I'll post before and after pictures together when it's done, but I did find this.......

Now why can't they be this excited about the real potty?
For anyone who was wondering it's a piggy bank.

Friday, November 7, 2008


My sister and I went shopping today...... and I was kidless...... I went into stores and stood around without little fingers pulling all the cloths to the floor or screeching around like banshees(not like my kids act like that in public, I have angels)......
My sister came over for dinner and we had a relaxing evening just playing around with the bambinos.

The weather here has been so wonderful, We are just loving it!

I was visiting my Mom in Muskoka for the last couple of days. It was very relaxing visit just not very much sleep :P Ethan decided he wanted to sleep with us, but slept horizontal across the bed. Ant slept across the bottom and our two dogs piled on as well. Needless to say it was a tight fit and Penny our shepherd/hound mix bailed on us and curled in with my Mom and enjoyed all the new found space. We have not had Ethan sleep in the same bed as us in a really long time, I was reminded why. When he wakes up he sits up and then flings himself down usually falling back to sleep, but being unfamiliar with his surroundings kept hitting his head into several wooden surfaces. So he did not fall back asleep poor boy! He did this until around 5:45 am when he decided that it was time to get up for the day. Ant had to drive so I did my best through the night to not interfere with his sleep (not really possible, but in my groggy state I thought I may have helped a little) so we headed up stairs to the other early risers in the house.
The bambinos had such a good time Ava was crying when we left.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween Pictures

So here they are Halloween Pictures........

Snow White

(the only time the hood was up)

We stopped by the fire station,
The bambinos got to check out the fire trucks up close.
I would like to introduce fireman Ethan.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Ava was Snow White, she loved being a princess once I actually got her into her costume. Ethan was an elephant too cute, but he only wore it to get the candy. They caught on really quick to the concept of trick-or-treating. Ava wanted to visit each house though and headed inside the first couple of houses.
Pictures to follow.......

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I am away, ON MY OWN! Really it's true. I would say childless, but I have Lexi around to remind me of baby goodness. Ant the great husband that he is saw the end of my rope was slipping through my fingers and booked me on the next flight out of town..... thankfully that plane landed in Toronto and Mel the great friend that she is was there to pick me up. So I woke up this morning and realized that I had dreamt actual dreams. While laying in bed there were thoughts that started and finished, so nice, but my heart is still at home. I've riffled through some pictures this morning/afternoon and found some stories I haven't shared......

Ava's toy from IKEA......What do you mean it looks like a toilet brush cleaner?
She carried it with her into every store we went to after our stop at IKEA. It took awhile for all the sales staff to catch on to the toy of choice for the afternoon as they did laughter filled the aisle.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Oh Bug!

Well I'm not sure whether I've talked about Oh Bug here or not, but this picture made me want to talk about him today.

We have rearranged the furniture in our home give me more room in the basement for my studio. Having this couch upstairs has made the lighting in our living room amazing. I pulled my camera out to see how good the light was and wow! I love it.....
Oh right you came here to hear about your bambinos not about the amazing lighting I now have in my living room.
So Oh Bug is Ethan's thing, it's not a necessity to have at all times or even needed to fall asleep, but boy does he love this bug. He gets so intense about it, squishing it a pronouncing "OH BUG". I've wanted to catch it on video, but he doesn't do it on cue so I haven't had the camera out when he's done it. It gets us all laughing.

A couple more pictures so you can see the amazing lighting...... or you can just soak up their cuteness......

Friday, October 24, 2008

Mr.Chris's Birthday

What do you get when you mix bambinos, cake, balloons and a crazy dog?
Chaos thats what.
It was Mr. Chris's birthday yesterday and Auntie Nikki spoiled us all with a great meal The Keg style, YUM! It ended with a cake that was filled with so much sweetness it sent the bambinos into a frenzy of silliness. They spent the rest of the evening bouncing off the walls and falling into fits of giggles on the floor. We found out that our Jack Russell loves to chase red balloons, to the great amusement of the wired bambinos. Whom shortly past bedtime passed into a sugar induced coma and didn't rise until morning.
The pictures are on my sisters camera if I get them in the near future I'll post them.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

About Today

Not a very exciting day here I'm afraid. What can I tell you hmmmm..... We had an oil change done on the CR-V and something else that I didn't pay attention to when the guy was talking to Ant. It was going to take over an hour so we headed out for some lunch. We got back to the dealer to do some more waiting. Ethan was content to watch the mechanic do his thing, while Ava shopped around for a new car. Ant and I decided that she could have any one she wanted when she was sixteen, not sure if she'll appreciate the offer of a 2008 car in any model 14 years from now.

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Boy and His Dad

A boy and his dad
a conversation they had
relaxed in the sun
once the raking was done
I watched through the window
as they chattered away
my heart overflowing
keeping tears at bay
oh how I love this boy and his dad

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Playing in Leaves

With almost all the leaves off the trees, it was time to rake them up...... I was kind enough to let Ant use the only rake. I grabbed my camera, I wouldn't want to Ant to feel he was the only one with something to do.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Zoo

I should really have a longer post for this day, but It was over a week ago now. It was my Mother-In-Law's birthday and what she asked for was to spend the day with us at the Zoo. So we all got a great gift out of it. Ava noticed the animals this time, their utmost favorite things were the fish. We had to tear them away from the huge tanks.
The pictures.......
No Zoo trip is complete without a ride on the Hippo

Why Ethan loved the Zoo

And for your enjoyment a little then and now