Sunday, July 15, 2012


Today Ant worked on the bathroom while I prepped for my wedding this weekend.  I took my breaks to jump on the trampoline and fold laundry.  We were meant to head outside tonight for a backyard movie, but the threat of a thunderstorm put a kibosh to that fast!  So instead we'll take them out for ice cream after dinner, before or after a bath depending on the damage the mud puddle has done to them.
Ella has mastered how to FREAK OUT!  A lot of the time she is just to little to do what she has set in her mind she should be able to do and stomps off in a wild flurry of hair and loud, LOUD opinion of the situation.
Ava CAN READ!  I love it!
Ethan is BOARD!  unless he is doing EXACTLY what he want to be doing any deviation and BOARD! Ethan maybe we could.... BOARD! OK how about....... BOARD! 
We went to a friends wedding on Friday night, OMG she was gorgeous, her dress was gorgeous, their kids were gorgeous and that hubby of hers is a perfect match!
Ella danced as soon as the music started till we dragged her out she did not want to go.  Ava danced with her Daddy and Ethan was...... wait for it...... BOARD!
Ant is making dinner and I should be helping in some way, not in the kitchen because it is so darn small!!!!!  Hope you all had a good weekend :)