Monday, September 27, 2010

Guess who started crawling today? The same girl who took her first steps last week, it's never to early to start reliving your youth I guess.


How my children differ was once again very evident on the first day of school. I could tell you about the walk that was filled with anticipation and the gripping to the stroller with fear, the tears and the confidence, but what I have really found so amazing is who these bambino's have come home as. I find this a way better description of their first experience of school. I feel overly grateful for the school we have been lucky enough to have in our small village. It is small, family oriented and everyone knows everyone.
This past week I have seen my kids take leaps and bounds into themselves. I watch their minds soak up these new challenges, growing exponentially. I remember when they were small they learned so quickly when we were around our friends and family. This is just like that only a thousand times more intence.
Am I sad that they are at this point in life, NO, this is the coolest thing ever.
Do I miss them ABSOLUTELY!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I Still Luv You all

I have a post coming about the kids first days of school, but I have been working on new was to edit my photo's and I love it, they make me smile. If you want to take a look you can see it on my Photography Blog.
If I can get some of the time management I've been working on working in my favor, I'll be back to posting at least once per week :P
Luv you all and thanks for sticking it out

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ha Ha

I was just looking through some pictures I finally up loaded to my computer and seriously this one made me laugh so hard I fell of my chair, thought I'd share..... that phone is huge lol

Thursday, September 9, 2010


It's the night before their first day of Kindergarten, my heart started racing a little as I wrote that. Their school bags are packed and left by the door, their clothes are folded and placed out waiting for their small bodies to climb excitedly into in the morning. Their bellies will be filled with french toast and banana cookies. With a short walk that will feel to them so very long, they will enter the doors of the next stage of their lives. I am so excited for them, but Ella and I will miss them greatly.
My bambinos are about to step out into the real world and to quote Ethan "Rock On Dude" may you take this world my storm :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A whole year?A WHOLE YEAR?What? really when did this happen. One moment I was holding this tiny itty bitty baby and pacing the house to get her to sleep, now you scooch around the house like you own the place. Looking back a little I wish I had written more, taken more pictures and yes filled out your baby book. But being me in spades that didn't happen. What I did do was breath you in everyday and love you more then I thought my heart could expand. I lived these moments with you and loved every moment of your first year. Although the stresses of the first couple of months have blurred me into the past as a tired overwhelmed mommy brained crazy lady, I feel confident that I would not change any moment with you for we are a perfect match.
You have no teeth and eat like crazyYou love beans, cheese and like everything else we give you
You are almost walking, you can get anywhere in the house holding onto the walls
You still use a sue-sue (what you call your soother)
You are trying to cut out your bottles, and you won't drink milkYou know where all your clothes belong on your body, and have fallen in love with shoesYou have great fine motor skills
You are still only sleeping in your crib part of the time
You don't like to fall asleep and miss anything

You birthday today, brought me back to last year while we were waiting in the delivery room, me you your daddy and your Auntie Nikki. I was so at peace in those moments, love all the color of the rainbow shone threw the room. You were a girl, and perfect and small. Now you have become such a little person I can hardly believe it. You are loved by so many and are so lucky to have so many great people in your life.

May your eyes always sparkle, and your smile never break
May your reach out and love all, and always believe in your self
For you my beautiful daughter the world is at your door
You fell asleep in my arms tonight, I will miss that when you are older, but I bet there will be so many cool ways we will spend time together that as much as that will be missed I will be in awe of you forever.