Wednesday, December 31, 2008

See You In 2009

I hope You all have a great New Years Eve, and a fabulous 2009!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'm Pregnant!

I'm not posting this today for two reasons one I haven't told Ant and two I can't breath. I wondered if I would ever be pregnant again. Actually I thought that it wouldn't happen, I waded threw deep emotions. Would these perfect beings (Ava and Ethan)be all I was given. I trusted in God for this decision, it was his, my heart swayed, but I would do no more then ask for his will. As of today I am 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant. So thank you for this blessing.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Here's to chocolate......

Here's to presents.......

But most importantly here's to friends and family.....
Oh and not having a camera around my neck and in every one of those friend and families faces :)

Monday, December 22, 2008


I'm so cheating right now. I'm supposed to be getting ready for work. So girls if your reading this the time and date are wrong....... really :P
But I can't help it I HAVE FREE TIME! and the neighbor is snow blowing our driveway...... totally negates the fact that I was out side in the middle of the night with kids shoveling away so I could get out of the driveway this morning. So I might bake him cookies this afternoon in thanks see what one can do with FREE TIME.
I'm actually going to get ready for work now cuz I CAN :)
And no one will scream at me through the door...... I won't come out to find powder foundation snow the color of my skin tone covering a transport truck......

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I Think I've Lost Santa's Trust

So being helpful I decided to give Santa a hand. The storage locker he is using to store all the toys was getting a little full so he'd called me about a week or two ago and asked if we had any room. I said of course what can I do to help? Well you can guess what he needed so we made arrangements for Ant to fly a little out of his way on one of his flights and meet up with Santa. All was well until yesterday when our safe hiding place was radded by a very curious little boy. A very disappointed Santa made a special trip to remove the gifts until Christmas. He'll return on Christmas eve and maybe just maybe I won't get coal in my stocking.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Good Morning

Well at least it is so far although the sun is not up yet. I have yet to see the mood to which the bambinos will greet the day, but I have high hopes.
Can you guess why? Nope....
"I'm going to the gym, YA! I'm going to the gym, YA!" sung to a songs in Finding Nemo....... cuz that is what we're watching over and over and over these days.
It has been almost a year, well over 8 months since I've been to a gym. I went almost daily while we were in Thunder Bay, I knew I was going to miss after we left.
Ant being the hero of a husband that he is signed me up yesterday as a Christmas gift. So today with my hair in a pony tail and not in a tank top(cuz your not aloud to wear them at this gym, weird I know) I will put on my running shoes again and pretend I have maintained some sort of fitness level or at least try really hard not to look like I'm dying.
Welcome back shoes, did you enjoy your trip to the bottom black corner of the closet. Good because it's time to get back to business.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Look What I Got Done

I'm really liking this time to get work done while the Bambinos are at daycare. Ava has really taken to it, a hug and a kiss at the door and she disappears out of sight. Ethan however is very disappointed to be left behind when we leave. I was told that he spent all morning quite upset, then took a three hour nap waking up much better. He was all grins when we picked him up.
I got so much work caught up this morning. All the bits a pieces I've started and left in piles. Once I've completed enough to keep things running the piles grow with things I just need to finish. Well I dug through several of those piles today and will go to bed feeling like I'm not desperately behind merely not caught up just yet. Much more peaceful I must say.

Let the Christmasy Christmasing Begin

This is going to be the first year Ant and I will be apart at Christmas. Now I will survive and I will keep my chin up for my Bambinos, but inside my heart beats a little sadder. Not so much for me, but for him and the Bambinos. To be away from them as much as he is takes a toll on him. He is driven and ambitious, qualities we want for our children, but to be so in love with his children and away from them so much is hard. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes, but am so proud that he does this for himself and his family.
Everyone has worked so hard to make this Christmas easy for us, our traveling is minimal, but we still get to see everyone.
This past weekend we went to visit my Dad for our first Christmas. We had a wonderful dinner and a very relaxing afternoon. I look forward to all the celebrating we have left this month.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


I love finding a picture like this when I upload my pictures. They my not be the best lit and the composition may be off the standard, but each of them melts me. When I catch the essence of the person, when I can see it shining so brightly it takes my breath away.
This is my son full of giggles and pure happiness.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I Wear My Sunglasses At Night

Ant and I had some running around to do in town. Seeing as he was going to be gone for over a week and there are just some things I like to do with help. We bundled the bambinos up, and well, Cory Heart would be proud.......

He wore them the entire trip, I got some very weird looks :)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Under the Weather

Ethan tried to pull an all nighter last night, but instead it was me. I pulled him into bed with me at about 2 he would not stop wailing and I didn't want both of them up. He rolled around for another couple hours before I broke down and gave him some Tylenol. He had been rubbing his ear, I was a little worried about an ear infection, but as there seems to be more molars making an appearance teething seems to be the cause. He has spent most of today sleeping, cuddling or laying on the couch. I hope he's better tomorrow.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Our Christmas Tree

For the Love of lights......
I am amazed at the ease of putting up the Christmas tree this year. Most of the time it feels like a chore to put it together and place the lights on. It stretches on and on. It's all I can do to hold off the excitement of peppering the tree with decorations and finally placing the star atop of the masterpiece we have created.
Ethan helped me put together the tree.....
and Ethan helped Ant redo it after I messed it up.
I wish I had taken a picture of the nice tree with a 5 inch gap between the top and bottom branches, but I was too busy rolling around on the ground laughing. Amusement was the theme for the night. After discovering the shattering nature of some of the glass ornaments they became a target for little boy hands. Apparently when things shatter it is cause for great laughter, seeing as I wanted to use them at some point in the future this year was not their time.
Happy Holiday Season!