Saturday, December 31, 2011

At the end of the year

It rained here last night, it made me glad to have gotten out to play in the snow yesterday. We threw snowballs and built a snowman named frosty. The kids took turns being launched of the end of the slide into a pile of snow at the bottom. It was so much fun!
Other then the plague that seems to be hanging around the house it has been a great holiday, there was no stress associated with how and when we saw everyone and Ant has been home the whole time.
Tonight the last day of the year we will bake a cake and have hamburger gravy for dinner and watch a movie all snuggled up on the couch. I know this doesn't sound like the parties of our younger days, but I have to say I love it and know that these days are numbered. So I will enjoy all the time I have with these bambinos of ours.
This past year has been a crazy one that will be looked back on as the start of so many new things in our family, all the love that has been experienced and oh ya that pool :)
Nothing has changed more then the three monkeys that consume my days and who they become amazes me to no end.




Happy New Year to all and may 2012 bring you peace and happiness xoxo

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

The kids went to see Santa, we made gingerbread houses, we baked cookies, we wrapped presents, put up lights, visited with family and still there is more we get to see, but above all the wonderful Christmas things we have done this year having a relaxing day with Ant home for it all has made this the best Christmas EVER!
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday
Merry Christmas To All

Monday, December 12, 2011


How is this year almost over, Christmas is just around the corner and I just had another birthday. We have been spinning around like tops here, in our new tiny house. As we get settled in I love it more and more. It is comfortable and cozy and we have such big plans for it. A new kitchen and an extra bathroom. We all sleep better here, everyone all sleeping through the night (although I'm sure I just jinxed it )
Even better, Ant is off for Christmas, the first one since he started this job. Kind of feeling all tingly inside about Christmas this year, it's been a while.

Our Christmas TreeAlign Center

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Before and After

I told you it was coming :)
I know you didn't believe me, and the fact that I'm following though on two blogging promises in one week, I hope you all don't fall over faint.

We redid the whole kitchen from top to bottom. We kept the appliances, but added a dishwasher, a working dishwasher! Which is important because we had a dishwasher in our last house and the not cleaning part of it kinda sucked.

There was so much wrong with this kitchen, so lets start with the wall color shall we. Navy Blue or could have been midnight blue but lets not split hairs it was dark, horribly painted and DARK and HORRIBLY PAINTED. I believe I sent out some venting texts as I went, but after the 4th coat we now have a nicely painted kitchen. The kitchen cabinets were had been repainted brown and you guessed it DARK BLUE! I didn't have to repaint these as we just put new to us ones in so other then the thoughts of why someone would do this it wasn't too bad. After painting, new to us cabinets, lots of tiling and some new lighting I'm very happy with the results.



This year was the first Halloween without my sister, we have spent every Halloween since the kids were born. We really missed Auntie Nikki and Mr Chris.
We invited Lexi over to soften the blow :) and all four kids had a blast!
The kids had fun picking out their costumes this year. Although it would have been more fun to make them like last year, time did not permit this year.

I would like to introduce you too....

Snow Princess with ruby slippers
Batman with muscles

I'm going to fly

Sunday, October 30, 2011


I'm waiting for the go ahead to paint the bathroom, "there is no need to re mud you did a fantastic job so carry on" is the the responce I'm hoping for but, the fact that I'm waiting for the go ahead just proves how crappy of a job I do at mudding. So rather then head out into the cold and finish painting the front porch I came to say Hi... so HI!

Halloween is tomorrow and I really wish my kids would stay still enough and have smiles on their faces oh and all three of them stare into the lens of my camera. If they did that then I might just possibly be able to pose them hahaha pose them. Wish me luck that I can get a decent picture of them to share with you tomorrow or sometime next week :) ok fine to be realistic I'm hopping before next year.

We get our next house tomorrow, I am so excited. Although I haven't put much thought into the fact that there won't be heat till sometime near the end of November, we have yet to get a fridge or really pack anything, wait was that on my to do list..... well at least we don't have to be out of this house right away. This house is down to some small jobs and the back yard. We have the pool out (which fell apart when we took it out :( so sad), but all the fencing still needs to come out as well as something needs to be done with the big hole where the pool was.

Haha I was right, so now I'm out to paint the porch big sigh
I will miss this summer it was a great one :0)

Oh yay! I was just saved by a "how about you paint the ceiling". How about that life, it has come to a point where the best option in my life it to paint a ceiling and I'm happy about it :0)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Just like a kid

My children are rubbing off on me, I don't blog unless I'm asked to.... and then you have to repeat the request till your vocal cords are all scratchy and there is a bald spot on the top left side of your head. And even after that , I sit down to write and get distracted or overly impatient with the fact that my "g" key does not work most of the time (I hit the key 21 times before my computer would release that one to the screen) and the "e" key which is more reliable and is only MIA half of the time. If I can get past that, I have to compensate for parental retardation, which I am sad to say is no joke and should be placed in medical journals, the only remedy is spare time which as an adult does not exist. So that leaves me with a ridiculous amount of nothing to say mixed and no where to start :)
So I will just do snip-its, and pray you understand enough to smile and nod in agreement or just keep asking so months don't go by.

We did head to Glen Eden a couple of days ago, we hiked up the ski hill the kids with be speeding down this winter. We all did really well, no one feel off a cliff and the views were amazing.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I figured since I managed to make it two days in a row I would try for the week :) Ethan is a true monkey at heart.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Same day at the park, I love that only Ava is looking.

Monday, October 3, 2011


I am really feeling the black and white photo's these days. It's funny how it comes and goes. I love this one.
At the park, Ava was pushing Ella and they were both having so much fun.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Oh Poor Blog!

Thank you so much for the little nudge, from across the pond :)
I will totally kick myself for not keeping up with this I'm sure.

I need to write dear letters to my bambinos, they turned 5 on Monday, and another dear letter to the Ellie Bellie who turned 2 on the 7th. This month has been a flurry of activity to say the least. Birthday's, travel and a new house to name a few.

Yes that is right we just bought another house, we will be moving on Halloween. This house is soooo cute, it will need lots of updates, but the lady who lived there took great care of it so structurally it is in good shape. I will try to keep you updated as we go, but my track record seems to be lacking. We have been working our tails off to finish our to do list on this house before it is rented, I am covered in paint from head to toe. I will post before and after pictures as we get rooms finished.

The kids did get into dance, Ava is in Ballet and Ethan chose Hip Hop, which I have to say is the most amazing thing to watch. They consecrate so hard and put for so much effort, I am really impress, I am so proud of them. It was recommended that Ella wait till the other kids in the mini class settled in (there was lots of crying) before she tries it because she is so young, they didn't want here to get scared. I will sneak in with my camera sometime and get you some pictures or maybe even some video..... when was the last time I posted video? don't laugh, that doesn't mean it won't happen again.

I'm headed to bed, lots of work on the house left too do tomorrow and a DATE NIGHT! I have to say I love date nights, they almost make me feel normal :)

And of course some pics, not overly creative, but I think their cuteness with win you over.....

P.S please come over to bamboo studios in facebook and LIKE me PLEASE, and yes that is begging, I need to feel the like :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Looking into dance class

Ava has been asking to take dance classes since she could talk, she even came up with the story that she had dance classes on Tuesdays. Which she told to everyone who would listed, then I would sadly shack my head and my heart would sink at my pitiful organization skills.
BUT this year it changes, we are looking into several different schools and I haven't missed the registration :)
I also bought a new lens, that I desperately wanted to play around with.
To get Ava in the mood we did her hair up in a bun, put on a pink tutu and headed outside. Ella joined in and they danced to their hearts content.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Weighing in

Today Ava weighed 42.2 lbs, Ella weighed 30.6 lbs and Ethan played in the sand box.On Monday I took the kids to dance class at the Y, They all danced and bounced and ran and followed instructions very well. There were two boys in the class, and when they were asked to pick a partner Ethan and the other boy both grabbed one of Ella's hands and led her through their dance across the floor. On our way into the class Ethan informed me that dance was for girls.... I nodded and said I was pretty sure that boys danced, but it was totally up to him. So he sat down beside me as Ava and Ella made their way to the group. Ava became a little unsure of it all and headed back and then Ethan came to the rescue, letting go of the "rules", said "I will go with you so you are not scared". Then the three of them walked over too the group sat down and enjoyed every minute, well Ella lasted through most of it, but came and sat with me for the last 20 mins :)
Are there pictures no I don't have many from this summer, I have been in the pool :)

Ant has started Kite surfing, I believe there is someone else who might be interested as well.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Pool

To say we are enjoying the pool is an understatement :)
I have no idea what we did before we had one, I'd have to guess we were hot and sweaty :)
This summer is flying by. So far we have gone boating, to the beach, to see cars 2 at the theater, to a petting zoo, several parks, taking swimming lessons, eaten ice cream, celebrated our 10th anniversary in Niagara falls (without kids :), flipped the boards on the deck, redone most of our kitchen (all Ant working hard) and of course swam in the pool almost every day :)
I also had the privilege to shoot a wedding which has me editing in my spare time, I'll send the link to preview when it is up on our website.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Miss Chief

here is where the plan is formulated
looking for the right moment
Oh the stealth, oh the giggles

First, learn how it's done

then blend in

and when the time is right
seize the moment

Miss Chief
she is bringing life here to
a whole nother level
of mischief

Monday, June 27, 2011

Blah.... so much for twice a week right lol
and yes it is laughable.
Pictures of the house you know that someone with my organization skills and actual desire to clean really shouldn't be responsible for the unpacking of years and years of crap out of boxes. I mean I have combed through box after box of.....
you know what, I have no idea what it all is.
I have had offers of help, but really no one has been brave enough to follow through and really who wants to sort through old crap????
NOT ME!!!!!oh wait.......
I don't have a choice
Anyway here are some pictures from today, I'm getting used to a new camera that I borrowed so I may even have more tomorrow :)
But please don't hold your breath K

Sunday, June 19, 2011

You Are

their protection

keeper of warmth and comfort

always there to give a little push

a strength that keeps them balanced

working so hard to make them happy

I love you, they love you

Friday, June 10, 2011


These pictures show the difference between how I felt about living in Cornwall and now about living in Cambridge.

I felt invisible just a reflection of someone going through the paces, now I need a clear umbrella so that nothing gets in the way of seeing the world around me.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

We're Alive

All is well, we have almost everything out of boxes, now everything needs a spot :)
I'll be posting pictures as we get rooms finished so stay tuned.
But now I have to go and enjoy a drink on the back deck, before Ant heads out to work for 5 days :(

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Being Girlie

Yesterday morning Ava and I did our hair together, it was so nice to share some girlie time with her and our hair looked gorgeous :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's a Start

Ok I maybe should have thought a little harder about the best time to start this goal of mine....

Yes Jen, it is the perfect time to add a little more.
You're already busy packing and keeping life here above water
lets add being creative to that shall we.
and damn it Jen do it well,
people will be reading....
ha haI never promised quality...
that will be my next goal :0)

So now that the pressure is off, our house is torn apart. We are in the final stretch where we are doing the last of things. Last night was the last night of gymnastics, tomorrow will be the last day of school and Ant will leave for work for the last time from this house. I have to say I am so relived to be moving into bigger house. This house was small.... for us. It is really cute, and maybe if there was a walk out to the backyard or the kitchen was setup differently I wouldn't have noticed how small it was. I can't tell you how many times I ran into the kitchen chairs ouch....

things that I loved about living here

  1. the kids school is partial french immersion, so their lessons were taught in french every other day.
  2. gymnastics for the kids, they all loved it
  3. watching the kids in swimming and ski lessons
  4. living in a city, it was really nice to be able to run out and get something we forgot for dinner and it not take half an hour
  5. how much my bambinos have grown and changed
  6. a time to reflect on what I want to do next (and I'm so excited people!!!!!)
  7. finally being able to solve our sock basket problem (I threw them out mahaha)
  8. the red fence (I'll write a picture post of that one soon)
I will update this as things come to mind, but for now there is an empty box calling my name.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I'm losing it or it's been lost for a while and I'm just noticing.
I'm guessing the later.

I can no longer communicate with others.
My spelling has always been horrible, but now I can't even put together a full sentence without error. Sometimes, my sentences doesn't even make sense. This is something I need to work on because if not my children will surpass me in ability before they even reach the first grade.

Not only am I unable to communicate properly I have nothing to say.
I am about as interesting as a...
well nothing comes to mind really.
that's the problem Boring/Blank either way you put it no one can talk to me for very long before they

Things are about to change in our lives again, we move in two weeks.
What I didn't mention that here????
Lack of communication!!!!!

My goal is to write a story here twice a week. Hoping that it helps rehabilitate me a little, you know helps me practice how to think again and stuff.
I'm even going to up the anti a little bit..... my goal is to actually do it for more then just this week. I want to do it for the summer. Two posts a week for the whole summer.

Seeing as posting about how boring I am is actually BORING.
I'll start with this....

The kids have homework every night. Sometimes it is simple, sometimes well... not so much. This past month has been more about drawing and less about writing letters and numbers, so we are having a lot of fun with it.

Home work: Draw a picture of someone in your family

Ava picked her Dad
Ethan picked me... is it just me or do I look a little frazzled?

Every time I look at these I smile
I just can't help it
I love it!!!!