Monday, October 5, 2009

4 Weeks

Now that I have a moment, which actually is stolen, I'm meant to be at work. I can't believe it's been a month, a month of growing and adjusting, but we are all doing great. I have to admit that I was expecting a rougher ride, which I'm sure could still be looming over the horizon, but so far with the odd bump and a couple of tears we are managing well.

Ella holds her head up well and is very alert. She loves to be held, close and cuddly. She's just gone through a growth spurt, we'll see how much she weights on Wed, we have her one month Dr's appointment. My guess is about 9.5 lbs and at least an inch taller then at her one week appointment. Sleeping is still pretty good, some nights are a little rough, but the good nights are great.

1 comment:

grampa don said...

It's hard to believe time is passing so quickly. What a wonderful family you have Jen! Looks good on you (in the nice way).
