Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It was time

It's been 4 years, 6 months, 3 days, 2 hours and 49 minutes
it was time for a hair cut.
With the incentive of her hair looking like Rapunzel's we headed out to the salon.
She was very excited when we got there.
She took her seat.

We leafed through magazines for the perfect cut,
she wanted pink and purple highlights
I told her that would have to wait till next time.

Then it was her turn.
She jumped up into the seat
and smiled for the camera
I tied a small pick elastic around a small piece of her hair
a lump formed in my throat
my heart raced
I almost balled my eyes out,
but Ava loved it
she glowed

look at those locks
those are baby locks

Then we waited

When asked if she wanted bangs
she was all for it
so bangs it was

She LOVED them
look how beautiful she is
my big girl

She kept checking it out in the mirror
we waited for Ethan
who needs quiet while he has his hair cut
so we waited far away

What a handsome guy

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