Friday, August 22, 2008

Stories I've Missed

Ice cream cones
Both Ava and Ethan were introduced to Ice Cream Cones recently . Their reactions were very different. Ava loved the coating of chocolate, but when that was eaten refused to let the rest of the cone near her. Ethan devoured it, all of it. Now the smart thing would have been to not do this in the car, but really I needed more cleaning I'm not doing enough.

Doing dishes is one of Ethan's favorite things..... well really anything to do with cleaning is Ethan's favorite thing to do and dishes is no exception. His expertize falls under the rinse category. He spends all his time rinsing the same three sippy cups. Now that leaves me with a little more then half of the work, but help is help so I don't complain. Now it took me some time to perfect the situation so I wasn't pulling my hair out by the end. I have a huge pet peeve about my feet being wet when they are not supposed to be. Nothing sends me into nauseated disgust more quickly. So at first I found him helping almost unbearable, because it's really unreasonable to expect him to keep all of the water off the floor. But a combination of training and towels we've managed to get it working well.
Our 7th Wedding Anniversary
We had a great one, although it was not as high as the first ones. We spent all our early anniversaries climbing mountains. We started the ritual on our honeymoon, we accidentally took a seven hour hike up the side of a mountain. So we fell in love with the idea, well it's more like Ant loves the idea. I love to just torture myself, I've cried on all the hikes we've done. I'm afraid of heights and being on the side of a mountain leads to some metal courage to conquer the fear. But I have not had to be saved by a helicopter yet so really I think I'm doing well. Maybe next year we can get back to the climbing, this year all we climbed were the steps we built in the back garden ( ha ha I called it a garden, anyone who knows how great I am with plants will be falling over in laughter right now).

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Jenn...I love the way you write! You are truly a comedian! I love reading your posts...and wish sometimes that mine had your type of humour and writing in them!!!
Missing you guys! Hoping to see you all again one day!
I tried calling a week or so the answering machine! Hopefully we connect soon!
Love Ya,