Monday, December 7, 2009

13 Weeks

Oh how the weeks are flying by. I'm soaking up as much of Ella's babyness as I can. She is so sweet, her cry is so delicate and heartbreaking. She is articulate and although her vocabulary is small she puts great effort into every word. She has amazing siblings who hate to see her cry, their attempts to sooth her are almost always a success. She loves to be held and you must be standing. Sitting is for sissies. She sleeps for a good span at night..... most nights. Soft blankets are her tired eyes worst enemy, a second wrapped in their coziness and she is lost in sleep. Her pets, a monkey, parrot and frog whom circle around on her mobile, have her gazing up in smiles and coos. As I spend my days trying to keep things together she has slipped out of infancy and into babyhood with chubby cheeks and giggles.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Too Cute... and she's looking more like mommy everytime I see her!

Happy Birthday, have a great day with your beautiful family:)