Saturday, December 22, 2007

Lets try a video or 2

I have let you all down lately.......I can picture it now, you have sat down with your coffee or some other warm beverage ready to see my little angels in action. With a little story to brighten your day.......and day, after day, after day, you have been let down. So trying to make up for it I have spent the last hr trying to figure out how to upload these videos(no laughing at my skill level here, yes an hr). I so hope they work.....

1 comment:

jenny said...

well done that has made my day ethan looks older already they are growing up so quick thankyou for such a surprise ava is walking good now love to all hugs and kisses and you have not let us down we know how busy theuy keep you nanny and grandadxoxoxoxoxo