Saturday, September 6, 2008

Baking Cookies

Well I've watched beautiful commercials of Mom's baking with their children. They are all smiling, everyone is helping and to top it off what comes out of the oven looks like perfection.
So today when we woke up to a rainy day, Ant heading off to work and Auntie Nikki feeling too under the weather to come over and play I needed something to do. So obviously baking popped into my head, and the plan was put into action. First we needed ingredients (I'm not well stocked(because, well I don't bake)). A trip to wal.mart was the best choice seeing as there were a couple of other items I needed as well. I'm guessing the commercials leave out everyone shopping together for a reason. With all our ingredients gathered in the trunk we headed home. During nap time I got everything set out and ready......
With a chair pulled up on either side of me and a toddler in each one we began. All went really smoothly. Only a spoonful of sugar ending up on the floor.

However there were a few tears when Ava found out the chocolate ship bag did not have cookies in it. The packaging is very misleading to a 2 year old(see the ingredients pictures), I think she will be sending in a complaint. She also felt cheated that there was a baking stage to making cookies and once all the ingredients were put together it was just sticky dough. After a hug to cheer her up we sat and watched our cookies backing through the oven window they got rave reviews once they had cooled.
Yum Yum..........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lexi wants you to save her some cookies... she loved your blog and all the pics:)