Monday, June 29, 2009

The Mean Mom

I was a mean Mom this weekend, or so I was told (he he he). We spent the weekend with good friends, that happen to live in the same city as my accountant (how convenient is that two trips in one). So back to how I'm mean, we went to the famous wiener fest and in that there is a story, but that's not today's. While wandering around a park full of wieners the bambions were offered balloons, Ava carefully picked out the yellow one, there was no hink (pink). At first she allowed it to be tied around her wrist, but thought that it would be easily taken care of if she just held it. Now this gave me stress, great stress, all I could think is she's going to let go. And although that yellow balloon lasted way longer then I thought, at long last she let go and the tears flooded wiener fest. A river so big it almost washed out the days festivities, amongst the tears faint words curled out "where is yellow balloon?" So I showed her and explained what was happening as her yellow balloon floated out of sight, that she was kind enough to let her balloon to go and play with the airplanes. So I'm guessing that making her watch that bright yellow balloon float away was mean. So mean I will be as long as I didn't have to answer "where is yellow balloon for the next week.

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