Friday, November 12, 2010

My new Hair

Yesterday as I was huffing around cuz well I'm a girl, Ella set up a trap. She must have been unimpressed with the mature manner I was dealing with my problems. So into Ant's drawer she went searched out a screw mounted to a back plate. I'd post a picture but I believe they were all collected and tossed. She strategically planted on the path I was on putting away laundry.

I will spare you the gross popping sound it made as it went into the bottom of my foot and how I cried like a baby. After it was washed and bandaged Ant started talking about getting a tetanus shot. I was all who needs a tetanus shot I'm super woman (or scared of needles).

Then google showed me the light and I put on my boots and got my hair done.

Dude it's been over a year and a half it was time. After the fabulous Nicole worked wonders on my hair I was off to the ER. I think a world record was broken, the quickest visit to the ER. They didn't even give me enough time to play the new game on my iPhone.

I almost complained.... "I have kids at home people, this is a mini vacation here, stop being so efficient".

Then again who wants a vacation at the ER. I'm a totally flexable person so I changed things up a bit and yes that was me sking in the frozen food section at the grocery store.

My new hair....

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