Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's a Start

Ok I maybe should have thought a little harder about the best time to start this goal of mine....

Yes Jen, it is the perfect time to add a little more.
You're already busy packing and keeping life here above water
lets add being creative to that shall we.
and damn it Jen do it well,
people will be reading....
ha haI never promised quality...
that will be my next goal :0)

So now that the pressure is off, our house is torn apart. We are in the final stretch where we are doing the last of things. Last night was the last night of gymnastics, tomorrow will be the last day of school and Ant will leave for work for the last time from this house. I have to say I am so relived to be moving into bigger house. This house was small.... for us. It is really cute, and maybe if there was a walk out to the backyard or the kitchen was setup differently I wouldn't have noticed how small it was. I can't tell you how many times I ran into the kitchen chairs ouch....

things that I loved about living here

  1. the kids school is partial french immersion, so their lessons were taught in french every other day.
  2. gymnastics for the kids, they all loved it
  3. watching the kids in swimming and ski lessons
  4. living in a city, it was really nice to be able to run out and get something we forgot for dinner and it not take half an hour
  5. how much my bambinos have grown and changed
  6. a time to reflect on what I want to do next (and I'm so excited people!!!!!)
  7. finally being able to solve our sock basket problem (I threw them out mahaha)
  8. the red fence (I'll write a picture post of that one soon)
I will update this as things come to mind, but for now there is an empty box calling my name.

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