Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Over the last day or two I've been trying to write this post. There were sappy ones and great photo ideas. But alas nothing felt right. So here it is......

First I want to thank my Mom for helping to make me who I am today and I am greatful.

Then I want to thank my Mother-in-law for the love of my life.

If it was not for these two wonderful Mother's I would not have the biggest blessing of all My Bambinos.

Dear Bambinos,
I want to thank you for my gift.
The gift of motherhood, as we make our way through our days together you show me new wonders.
I get to live with you through your new experiences as you learn about the world around you.
I am honored that I am the one you run to when you are excited about something new or need to feel comfort.
I love to watch the simple things you do like how you dance around the living room or the way you eat a cookie.
You are the most beautiful people I have ever set eyes on.
I can not put into words the feeling of love that swells my heart to new sizes.
With love my Bambinos, I am a mother.
Because of you I have peace, i waited for you, longed for you and in my arms you now crawl.
Your giggles, cries and newly emerging vocabulary fill up the empty places in my heart.
Our family, just the thought of those words bring tears to my eyes.
So to you my Bambinos, know this that Mother's Day is a reminder of how lucky I am to be apart of your lives.
Love Mommy
Mother's Day 2007

Mother's Day 2008

To all mothers or soon to be mothers
Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day!!! Hope you and the bambino's had a great day:)