Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Oh you'll be so proud

Of me that is.
I had a problem.
It wasn't serious, and those of you who have been to my house know about it because there was evidence every where. Tags, yes you heard me tags, I just couldn't get rid of them. I left the price tags on everything I owned. If you didn't see them they were there, I tried to hide this addiction by placing thing so they could not be seen, but still I would get an odd look from those who found them (did I mention on EVERYTHING). So today with camera in hand I went around my house admitting things like "I probably won't be returning these curtains I bought 5 and a half years ago" and snipping..... away..... the..... TAGS.

There are 4 tags in this photo alone
can you find them all?

This is by far the saddest
it lost it's tag awhile back
I think this was actually an engagement present
We've been married for 6 1/2 years
you do the math it's too embarrassing for me.

I have lots of photos of tags
I'm going to guess that you don't want to see them all
but I like this one because I'm in it


I don't however feel any lighter
I have to keep this stuff now

I cut all the tags off!

1 comment:

jenny said...

way to go girl!!!! well it is a break through cause i have to say i nearly cut them off many a time LOL jennyxoxo