Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Good Morning

Well at least it is so far although the sun is not up yet. I have yet to see the mood to which the bambinos will greet the day, but I have high hopes.
Can you guess why? Nope....
"I'm going to the gym, YA! I'm going to the gym, YA!" sung to a songs in Finding Nemo....... cuz that is what we're watching over and over and over these days.
It has been almost a year, well over 8 months since I've been to a gym. I went almost daily while we were in Thunder Bay, I knew I was going to miss after we left.
Ant being the hero of a husband that he is signed me up yesterday as a Christmas gift. So today with my hair in a pony tail and not in a tank top(cuz your not aloud to wear them at this gym, weird I know) I will put on my running shoes again and pretend I have maintained some sort of fitness level or at least try really hard not to look like I'm dying.
Welcome back shoes, did you enjoy your trip to the bottom black corner of the closet. Good because it's time to get back to business.

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