Saturday, January 3, 2009

So I don't forget here is how it all went down.

Sunday Dec 28 - Was woken up really early to take Ant back to the airport. We were visiting our friends Brian and Mel (and lets not forget about Lexi). I ran to the bathroom right before we left, only to see that my period or what I thought was my period had started. By the time I got home about 4 hours later there was no sign of it, didn't think much of it just thought it would show up later in the day or maybe even the next day it had happened before.

Monday Dec 29 - Woke up to even lighter spotting, again assuming that this was the start of my period. After escaping my bambinos some time later that morning I found that I had been tricked again and my pulse quickened. Years of infertility had trained my brain to jump to conclusions, only apparently this was not to be the same game I was playing before.

Tuesday Dec 30 - Nothing in the morning...... no sign of my period in the afternoon..... I felt crazy as I bundled the kids into the car for an emergency trip to the store to confirm my insanity. I was not pregnant.... I just needed to prove it to myself so that over New Years celebrations I would not feel guilty. But after I finally occupied the bambinos enough to have enough privacy to pee on a stick I stole away to the bathroom. As I watched the test do it's thing, having been warned that results take up to two min to show..... I stopped breathing at about 5 seconds mark...... this is what I saw.......
Now before the results had even hit my brain the phone was ringing. My poor friend Mel, it's a good thing she was a little sleep deprived, cuz our conversation was a mess. I couldn't say anything..... Ant didn't even know yet..... what the..... really?..... Pregnant.... I really suck at keeping secrets, well my own any way. I couldn't talk too much or I would spill the beans. After we got off the phone I waited for Ant to call (I'm really glad I gave him the heads up that I was going to take the test)

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