Saturday, January 10, 2009

Start.... Stop... Start.... Stop

That is the process I've had for blogging lately and as you can see it produces great posts. I'm usually inspired by photos but, I haven't taken a picture since New Years. Why because my computer is full. I know, I know empty it already, you've been complaining about this for months now, but I have trouble letting go of things..... pictures being one of them. They are saved on another computer and backed up on disk.... you'd think that would allow me to delete, delete, delete, but no that's not the case at all. I riffle through them again and PROCRASTINATE. I need some serious help to clean out this computer. Anyone out there with a bottle of rum some diet coke and time on there hands willing to help.

This picture is not related to anything written here, but I found it going through pictures and i like it so I thought I'd share..... what do you mean I'm still procrastinating?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanna come play... I have no problem "deleting"!! I can help, and always have rum:)