Sunday, March 29, 2009

Rainy Day

A wonderful life.......
Well everything I've ever wanted really, just some days prove to test you in your desires. I mean really I'm limited to the amount of water that goes down the drain (one to two flushes a day) my teeth have decided on a Friday night to start to hurt (no dentist till Mon) and it's raining and we all know that little bambino thrive in this weather, well their whining, little patience side does any way. And to all this I say thank you for the house we have to live in and the life I have to feel the pain and last but not least the children I have dreamed of all my life :)

1 comment:

Mel said...

"Can we do it... Yes we can", just cause you don't hear that enough in a day LOL
Down with the universe and all it throws your way, keep thinking positive and all will go your way:)
P.S. really truely didn't mean for that to rhymn!