Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cold weather and Blue eyes

Ouch....I think my fingers have finally thawed out.....Do you know how cold it's been here???? Does any one watch the weather network??? I did while I was on the treadmill yesterday and do you know what it told me.....I was crazy for leaving the house!!!! I'm feeling kinda jipped Ants been gone for the only really cold days so's been -27 before any wind chill's been -5 where Ant is......That's a 22 degree difference.......I was thinking about it (on the treadmill) and that's the difference that someone on holidays experiences(and they are thinking things like, ha ha suckers).

So I know you just read bla....bla....bla...cold......while thinking what have those bambinos been up too. Ethan's been really clingy lately, not wanting to be left at daycare, or even in another room for that matter. But wow he can understand most of what I'm talking about. And even if he doesn't he tries to guess

Me: Can you please get your boots

Ethan: leaves the room comes back with a black boot leaves and comes back with the other black boot

Me: Can you please get your coat

Ethan: leaves and comes back with his coat

Me: Can you please get your snow pants

Ethan : leaves and comes back, I ask him again, he leaves and comes back with a toy looking at me hopefully

Oh I think I'm in love!!!!!!!!

Ava has four new molars, there isn't much teething left :) happy day for both of us :P
She is walking all over now, and loving it. Her left foot seems to be straitening the more she walks around. Ava is loving dancing, she's even got rhythm. She'll dance to anything, radio, toys and even me singing(?????) How did I get sooooo lucky????

I was going to post pictures, but alas, they won't up load and I need to go to bed. I'll try the title of this post should read Cold weather and really cute blue eyed pic's that won't upload :P


jenny said...

i remember cold days like that when we first came to canada but it seems to have warmed up here. i dont envy you as i dont like the cold brrr. I,m so glad ava has all her teeth. just 7 days and you,ll be home i cant wait love to you three nanny and grandadxoxoxoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

-27 ouch. sounds like Gravenhurst all those years ago. We used to worry about you getting frost bite on your checks...the ones on you face. Your tooque would be down to your eyes and your scarf would but up to your eyes with just enough space to see if you looked straight ahead. Hopefully the tread mill will keep you warm indoors.