Thursday, January 3, 2008

Late night nuts

Ant is in having his wisdom teeth out as I speak(write) and the instructions for last night were too starve him, dehidrate him and to get a good night sleep. Well as hard as the first two were, the third was the toughest. Ava decided that it was an every hour night......that means every hour she wakes up screaming needing affection(this does not happen often maby once a mth). So a good snuggle and shes asking to go back in her crib. The third time I thought just bring her into bed with us she usually just falls right back to sleep. So last night was different, I'll take you back just 7hrs ago........a small voice in the night coos out. "nuts". Then when no responce is returned this coo becomes louder "nuts". Still no responce so now with ergency "NUTS". To this I respond "yes, yes I am" as I roll over to see this little person climbing over the face of a not so sleeping husband.

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