Monday, January 14, 2008

Houston We Have Walking!!!

Some Exciting news!!!! Yep that's right Ava is walking. Not all the time(the knee thing is still faster), but I caught her a couple of times today just walking around the living room.
She also didn't make it through dinner tonight. She fell asleep smiling at all the silly things I was doing trying to keep her awake. When she woke up she was all confused and was trying to eat the chicken that was no longer left on her plate, she wasn't even in her chair anymore.
We had quite the day of children falling asleep everywhere. Ethan took his turn while we were at the grocery store. Poor boy!
The pic of Ethan today is him imitating the dogs, if they can carry a ball around in there mouths why can't he??????


jenny said...

well as i said i think the size chart has to come out on one of the walls lol and check thier heights as i,m sure they are on a growth spurt i think ethan will actually grow taller than ava it will be interesting they are so cute but growing fast love to all nanny and grandadxoxoxoxoxo

baholden said...

just caught up with the blog Jen. They are both stil so cute. Hope Ants wisdom teeth op went ok. Love
PS Dan is home on R & R. Hast o go back on Sudnay but it is nice to have my baby home.