Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Jogging Stroller

I've had fun doing Ava's hair lately. It all fits in one ponytail.....not very exciting to the outside world I get that, but I'm highly amused so bare with me. I think Ethan feels a little left out, so he gets his turn sitting in front of me getting his hair brushed and looking through the barrettes and elastics.....He tried to do Ava's hair last night with an elastic he found, although Ava wanted nothing to do with that(she definitely a hands off type of girl). So some pics of the fun I've been having with Ava's hair....

I also caught Ava's walking on video........

I finally used the jogging stroller for what it is meant to be used for "jogging". I didn't want to go to the gym today, I wanted as a relaxing day as I could create. My hearing seems to have gotten a lot better lately, I seem to hear a higher level of whining?????? I'm grateful I can hear-I'm grateful I can hear-( that's my feel better chant) Back to the jogging, I suck at multitasking at the best of times, so why I thought it would be a good idea to take a stroller, 2 dogs and me(not having ever jogged in the snow/slush) for a "relaxing" jog I'll never know!!!! It was a challenge, but boy was it worth it to hear bambinos belly laugh for 45 mins. Apparently the following things are funny to my children........dogs ears flapping in the wind........the stroller sliding randomly off in crazy directions........their Mom gasping for air trying to keep everything together. But I did it!!!!! Now why I thought that would be more relaxing then alone time with my thoughts on the treadmill and a hot stress relieving sauna????? Oh well the dogs loved it :)

1 comment:

jenny said...

that was fantastic her hair has grown soooo much nanny will have to go out and buy hair thingys!! also ethan liking hair maybe we have a budding vidal sassoon lol well see you soon i,m counting down the days love nanny and grandadxoxooxxoxoxoxox