Saturday, June 14, 2008

Wading Through Life

Sorry every one I've been feeling boring lately, so I don't post anything.... then your board because there is nothing to read.I guess I could tell you the Bambino's are testing boundaries. Hitting, throwing and screaming till they throw up, but some how I have created a bubble as to not remember any of these incidences with any clarity after the fact. Forget and move on.

I thought my camera was getting old, it was turning gray, turns out that it was just layers and layers of dust....... not really because I would never let dust actually touch my camera, but the situation called for a dramatic description and cobwebs come with spiders eww gross......

I made time to process last weekends pictures this morning.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the first pic... Ava's looks like such a prim and proper little girl and Ethan looks like a typical mischievious little boy just waiting to do something crazy.
luv mel