Monday, October 13, 2008

Lets Play Catch Up

I have been busy.........
I can't seem to find the time......
I don't take as may pictures to post.....
My dog ate my homework....... (what that excuse doesn't work here?)

I've missed out on so many little things that the Bambinos have been dooing little things that I won't ever remember. I write here for all of you, but also for myself.... I have a really bad memory and reading back through last year of this blog brought back so many good memories. So pictures or no pictures, time or no time I must pick up the pace a little.

Lets start with Yesterday.....

I remember a time when shopping for the best prices at different stores was worth it. I shopped at three different stores yesterday and really that was about all I was going to accomplish for the day. It wore me out, it was like a marathon. Parents need more training to do this job, I mean the endurance it takes to keep your patients while your children throw fits, rearrange shelfs and are just all around children is ridiculous. They are 2 and curious and over all just plane cute, but when you have run out of fun games like "put all the boxes back on the shelf" or "lets avoid other customer while you push cart". The smile seems to loss its wattage.......
We made it through in good spirits and at the end of all of this fun we were having I ran into another family in line. There was the same ratio 2:1 only for them it was 2 adults to one bambino. Still I felt that bond with that little fella, I know what it's like to be out numbered.

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