Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Shopping 101

Honestly when money is short and you go into the grocery store to get water what do you come out with?

Well the correct answer to that would be water, but unfortunately we have a few screws loose and this was what showed up on the bill.....
  • wraps
  • tooth brush
  • puff pastry
  • oxy clean
  • foosball table
Does that seem odd to anyone? Ya that's right no water and a foosball table. Are we good or what. We have played every night so far, so at least it's being used:P

1 comment:

Liz Jimenez said...

Ah, when shopping goes awry... :-) This is why I never send my husband to the grocery store. He doesn't get what I asked for, and comes home with all variety of crap that's either junk food, or stuff he thinks he'll eat and just sits in the back of the fridge until I throw it out! Alas.

Enjoy the foosball, though!