Monday, July 28, 2008

Candy Coated Chocolate and Kittens

I found out that although these things don't really seem to go together when you throw in some toddlers it changes the way you look at it.

The internet was down because of the thunder storms over the weekend. Seeing as we don't have TV, we took a trip to the store to rent a movie so I had more to stare at then the wall once the bambinos were in bed. After chasing each other around the video section of the store Ava and Ethan got to pick out a treat. Smarties are a favorite so each with a box in hand and me with a movie we headed home. You know how you learn some thing new each day well if you ever need to get a kitten to come out of hiding or say follow you home all you have to do is shake candy coated chocolates in a box. So what should have taken a minute or two turned into a 20 min parade of kittens and toddlers intertwined in a playful but slow walk home.

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