Sunday, July 6, 2008

Other then my day starting really early, it was a good one. We got out of the house really early. We got all our running around done by 12 just in time for the Bambinos to fall asleep as I pulled into the drive way. I woke them up with a bribe of being able to help me put away the groceries if they didn't cry. I'm not looking forward to when the bribes won't be in my favor anymore.

New this week
Ava and Ethan have started playing together, as in follow the leader or playing tag. I've also seen Ava try to get Ethan involved in a game she was playing. This is the start of what everyone has been talking about that they can amuse each other. So loving it! With this new skill however comes tag teaming, one after the other through a series of tests for me..... really we're not supposed to do that? Ethan at this point will let Ava do more of the testing although he is more defiant on his own.

I took some pictures in the backyard today so if I get to them tonight I'll post some :)

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