Friday, November 7, 2008


My sister and I went shopping today...... and I was kidless...... I went into stores and stood around without little fingers pulling all the cloths to the floor or screeching around like banshees(not like my kids act like that in public, I have angels)......
My sister came over for dinner and we had a relaxing evening just playing around with the bambinos.

The weather here has been so wonderful, We are just loving it!

I was visiting my Mom in Muskoka for the last couple of days. It was very relaxing visit just not very much sleep :P Ethan decided he wanted to sleep with us, but slept horizontal across the bed. Ant slept across the bottom and our two dogs piled on as well. Needless to say it was a tight fit and Penny our shepherd/hound mix bailed on us and curled in with my Mom and enjoyed all the new found space. We have not had Ethan sleep in the same bed as us in a really long time, I was reminded why. When he wakes up he sits up and then flings himself down usually falling back to sleep, but being unfamiliar with his surroundings kept hitting his head into several wooden surfaces. So he did not fall back asleep poor boy! He did this until around 5:45 am when he decided that it was time to get up for the day. Ant had to drive so I did my best through the night to not interfere with his sleep (not really possible, but in my groggy state I thought I may have helped a little) so we headed up stairs to the other early risers in the house.
The bambinos had such a good time Ava was crying when we left.

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