Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Start On Christmas

If you were around last year you read about us leaving things till the last minute (click here to read) and I swore I we not do it this year
This year is going to be fun. Last year they just about got the idea of presents, but this year there will be much more understanding. Today Nikki and I went to walmart to see what the kids would want for Christmas. They mulled through the toy section, jumping from one toy to the next until........ Ethan found it. The "IT" toy! The one that excites them, when they unwrap it their little eyes light up and more importantly they play with it for hours. Nikki did the distraction (after we finally got him away from it) as I payed for it and took it out to the car. While I was gone Ethan went back to discover the last of the green trucks was gone. By the time I got back to them Ethan was laying face down in the main aisle of the store and Nikki was covered in shoe dust from trying to carry him. He was not crying, he was not screaming merely laying there in the perils of dismay. As sad as my heart was at his disappointment I look forward to the unwrapping of the Green Truck.

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