Friday, November 28, 2008

Day Care aka School

In true Bambino style there was not much sleeping the night before. Between the cries and my trips to the porcelain goddess it was a magical night. I must say I had dreampt up many plans for my day, but after giving my sweet bambinos a full 30 seconds to jump out of the car I headed home to bed and once there refused to accomplish anything else. I swear I looked ten years when I finally came out of my coma. Enough about my wonderfully lazy day. How did the Bambinos do at school......

Ava walked in and went strait to playing with a group of kids. Ethan stuck close to us until he was show the sand box and then we were just a distant memory. Ava caught a glimpse of us on the way out and the tears were a little dramatic, but they were almost gone by the time we reached the door. There was no trouble getting along with the other kids. Nap time was a little confusing for them they just wanted to play, but in the end they slept on their cots. As I expected Ava ate nothing while she was there, but this week she's let some new foods cross her lips so maybe it's opened her to the idea of new foods. So they are off to a great start, we'll see how next week goes.

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