Monday, March 17, 2008

How much notice would you need to show your house to strangers?

Well this morning I got hmm..... lets say 10 mins. I didn't actually take the time to look at the clock I had other things to attend to, but lets back track a little here so I feel a little better about the state of the house. 1) Ava is sick and very very very....very clingy 2) I had a fax machine malfunction that couldn't be fixed till 9 am this morning which left me an hour to have my paperwork finished 3) it's laundry day, I'm talking piles in every room

So what would you do first???? Well I chose get dressed, because there is nothing better then greeting people in P.J. with sleep in your eyes. Then gathered the piles of laundry and made one great pile by the washing machine so at least it wasn't out of place. I was rushing around the kitchen picking up the explosion of stuff the kids had left behind when there was a knock at the door......

Things I had already done this morning before the call from the landlord, vacuum, put away all the clean laundry, gotten the kids ready for the day and all my paperwork :)

Picture of the day........ Do they get along?


Anonymous said...

"what mom... were just playing" are the thoughts I picture behind those innocent looking eyes!

Anonymous said...

Are you guys leaving Thunder Bay?
My first shift at the gym is April 4th....hopefully I see you before you do go.