Thursday, July 24, 2008

What has my life come too?

When Ava eating her lunch is a highlight of my day. I know it was only meatballs and some mac and cheese, but folks really this kid doesn't eat much. Most of her time spent at the table she's hidden behind a sippy cup of juice or has slouched down so that only her big blue eyes can be seen. It must have been our busy morning. It started as I glanced at the clock and blurredly saw a number that looked a lot like a 5. Blaming the blurred vision thing I stumbled across the hall to find Ava awake and a little chilly. I bundled her up and brought her in with me for a snuggle (and a little more sleep). She had no interest in sleeping any longer and began poking me in the face pointing out that I did indeed have a nose and a forehead. I have to admit in my state I had forgotten so I'm glad I was brought up to date. Getting up that early does wonders for getting out of the house early, as I drove out of the drive way I thought the clock was broken. We ran some errands then stopped at the park. There is a day camp of older kids that play there in the mornings and the Bambinos are fought over for their attention. So they love it and gives them a little freedom from me to hang out with people who are a little cooler then their Mom. Although I was dancing around the kitchen after lunch....... Really cool :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to read that you are keeping on keeping on. Was just looking at a slide show of pictures captured from the blog pages. They are really amazing. Lots of love and hope to see you soon.