Friday, May 1, 2009

Dr's Appointment #3

The Bambinos are fast asleep, it's been a sick filled couple of days. I'm running on very little sleep. I'm looking forward to my head hitting the pillow in the very near future, but I wanted to let everyone know how the Dr's appointment went.

The only stats they actually told me were that I have gained 6lbs in the last 6 weeks. Good news on the blood tests as well, they all came back negative (a good thing). I can only assume that my blood pressure is fine because there wasn't much of a response after she was done taking it. The fetal heart rate was found, but I wasn't told what it was. I managed to ask the two questions that I had regarding my two sick bambinos before she quickly slipped threw the door till my next ten second appointment. I'm being transferred to an OB at the beginning of next month and I am hoping at that point I won't be treated as if this is nothing special or that the information that she collects is of no interest to me.

Ok so now that I got the "terrible Dr" vent out of my system, Ethan was all protective at the Dr's office. He was not impressed in the least with the Dr touching me or seeing me laying there on the table. He kept trying to get in between the Dr and me. He went strait back to calm and fine as soon as she left the room.

And I know, I know "PICTURES ALREADY" There I yelled at me so you don't have too. Maybe tomorrow, if no one throws up on me I will take and post a belly picture.

1 comment:

mel said...

I'm still waiting hehe