Sunday, May 3, 2009

Play Park

Today was so much better, the smell of Lysol seems to have settled.

Our goal today was to all get out of the house and head to the park. The Bambinos get so excited about going to the park. As soon as you mention park Ava starts jumping around, sings out "OK Play Park" and heads for the door. You have to be careful not to mention it before you're ready to go because neither of them really care about things like clothes. They are in their boots and coats before you can turn around. Today was so beautiful we met up with Nanny and Grandad for this trip to the park. Lots of climbing, running and a small game of soccer. Hopefully we will all sleep through the night.

Ha ha the joke is on me, even before I could post this Ethan's bed has a nice layer of Lysol and all his sheets are in the wash.
Good night all I don't think I'll be getting much sleep again tonight.

1 comment:

Michele said...

Awww poor Jen and kids! At least you made it to the park to play before Ethan was sick!