Sunday, October 28, 2007

Kakabeka Falls

A trip to Kakabeka Falls, it's about a 30 min drive. So armed with a hot Timmies coffee and a couple of cookies (yum) spoiled bambinos. We set out on a cold day to see the falls. I finaly got out and about with my camera and got to practice a bit :) It was a great park camping and lots of hiking trails. We only did a 30 min hike due to the cold weather. It had warmed up by the time we hot back to the car so we got to play in the leafs. They just loved the fredom to crawl around to watch the other kids there play. I can't belive how much they are little people now, Ava talks away to yo like you should know exactly what she is saying. Ethan you can just see him thinking things through and figuring them out. Oh I am SO in LOVE!!!!!!!
We had a blast!!!!!


jenny said...

wow that place looks fantastic and they are really growing up so fast i cant wait to see you guys love to all nanny and grandadxoxoxo

Melissa said...

You look soooo good!!! Man I miss you... 21 more sleeps woohooo